
Anyone that likes these needs their tastebuds checked. Processed Rib Meat (if it's even that) shaped into a fake looking rib patty drowned in cheap BBQ sauce. PASS!

Be nice if it was longer then 30days

Maybe they are paid to wear them to boost sales.

you couldn't pay me to use sprint

@shenanigans: Umm yea ok atleast I don't have to hold my phone in a funny way to get it to work.

Google would not be where it is today if Jobs was the CEO, thank goodness for that. Can you imagin what Android would be like!?!?

@bustedchain: I've had Eggs roll of a counter top. dodecahedron would look cool but still think with enough force it would roll some. Would depend on close they are putting the munitions to the edge of the peir, that's probably the solution right there don't put them so close to the edge.

@bustedchain: Square Bullets, how cool would that be! Hexigon would be cool to but I think with enough force they might roll off as well but Square now that would be something. Pretty sure it would never work, there is a reason they are round.

The way I look at it $800 for an iPad that does nothing I want it to do vs $400 for a netbook with win7 that does everything I need it to do. Seems like a no brainer to me. Maybe if you were not in bed with Jobs you wouldn't be sick.

@OCEntertainment: Alex Sink is not sexy, Pam Bondi now she's pretty hot.

It would be nice if it didn't cause my HTC Incredible to go into repeated reboot mode where I have to remove the battery.

After about 60 seconds of playing it causes my HTC Incredible to reboot.

Looks like it wouldn't even roll down the runway let alone possibly fly.

@tacomstng: How do you know what I have done and what I haven't done. Maybe I've tried calling them maybe I've sent emails maybe I've opened support tickets. Most of the time the responses are "We already shipped your device" yea I know that how abou telling me from what planet because it's been almost a month and

@telepheedian: I've told them through twitter, forums, and direct support tickets and no replies from them.

@telepheedian: They shouldn't send emails to people telling them they shipped their reader when they haven't. It's been almost a month since I got an email that my reader has shipped.

@telepheedian: Well your a lucky one, but I'm glad to hear someone has actually received it and it actually works.

@The5thElephant: Then they shouldn't send you emails telling you they shipped your device when they really have not.

@bluSCALE4: I'm not yelling about my frustrations it's more of a warning to others not to bother to sign up because all they do is lie.

@Koiios: I shouldn't have to use twitter to contact a company that has a direct link into my bank account.