
See as I said in the previous post No Love for Android just like most major banks.

NOoOoOOOOOoooo (Jumps off a bridge)

@radarskiy: that must be new because previously they were iphone only. I've see the Chase one ( I bank at chase) and it doesn't appear to allow you to deposit checks with the camera.

Banks only support iPhones my guess is PayPal will be the same but I hope I'm wrong.

@Settings: You use real rice not microwavable rice but you cook it in the microwave in this special cooker made by Pamper Chef.

Dear Gizmodo,

So Pampered Chef makes a Microwave Rice Cooker which takes 20min or less. No need for a huge rice cooker, and it's dishwasher safe.

IF it was on Andorid and Synced with Outlooks ToDo and Notes I would pay for it!

Why not build it so the poor dog doesn't have to stoop down?

$500 I'll go buy a real gun

@zross312: Maybe, they are already at a point that it's cheaper to ship your lugage then fly with it.

So they are trying to put MORE people on a plane?

Sounds like a promotional stunt

Does the girl in the yellow bikini come with it? If so I'm in for 2

@Enochrewt: Yea 4:15PM EDT and still nothing here either.

I've yet to see the proof of this. It will be an OTA but no proof yet that anyone is receiving it. You can't just download it from Verizon or HTC it has to be devliered via OTA right now. I've seen people say it would be tomorrow not today.

The range on blue tooth makes this pointless.

@Squalor: then whats the point of the bluetooth if the phone is right there with him?

And still nothing for the Incredible

Verizon doesn't care about those that have Incredibles