
You can’t really dress up as an Indian or cowboy anymore, and recently a lot of the public has turned on the police. There just aren’t a lot of good options left.

Resting rich face.

I will keep starring that for the next six months or so. Then I’ll get very depressed and stop.

Hey, Alex Pareene has just as much of a right to be there as everyone else.

The actor is survived by his family and Bill Pullman.

Corruption’s such an old song that we can sing along in harmony
And nowhere is it stronger than in Albany the upselling market for Hamilton tickets

We did, and now Linda in the mail room insists we call her The Skull Queen. And she won’t give the families all those skulls back.

small businesses around america say they need help to survive in an increasingly hostile business environment, but let me ask my small business owner friends this: why haven’t you injected your employees with steroids and forced them to battle each other on top of ladders while wearing thongs?

Those are the two domains I always choose for my cleric!

All the free candy you get is just one of the many reasons to oppose the death penalty.

You’d have to have a pretty crazy reason to do something like this on purpose. Schilling’s just pointing out the obvious: the person responsible clearly had a loco motive.

Arnold Palmer died in Pittsburgh, Pa. today, according to Golfweek. He was +15.

in memoriam, all flags will be flown at half mast\half lemonade.

Title Nein

Wow. And to think I’ve erroneously called it ‘Cleveland’ for years.


Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.