
If your “comp build” can be beaten by a casual player on a dad build, I got bad news for you then clearly neither you nor your comp build are nearly as good as you think. If a pro basketball player gets on the court with someone who plays on the weekend, it won’t matter what the court is like, what the ball is like,

This is a poorly written sentence:

Ooblets can do what they want. Epic is gonna Epic. But I’m not going to support the latter, and I really don’t appreciate the former acting like asses to their (future) customers. They showed their entire ass, for a game that is supposed to be friendly, fuzzy, and fun.

100%. If it reaches the Switch, I’ll be all over it like ugly on ape.

Same thing I play every night, Pinkie—Warframe. Also some MUA3, maybe Hard West which I grabbed on sale the other day. Unfortunately, I have a bunch of moving to do this weekend (inside the house, not from house to house) so that will be intruding but hopefully that will help me get over losing Ooblets. :(

Almost right. I just play online games alone.

I hear ya, lady. I am on a similar line between happily married and frustratingly celibate...

Wait—the young gods resented humans because humans had been given the gift of memory?

The last thing I want to imagine is the nutter in the White House having access to a mobile weapons platform.

In general (as a man), I ignore anyone who whines about “misandry”. That anyone can believe in such a thing beggars belief. 

I’m guessing she slept through the bit about the emergency exits with the big yellow slides they talk about at the start of every flight?

No, you’re wrong for buying a $1500 smartwatch.

Casting Rob McElhenney as Tony Stark and John Goodman as Thor was a bold move...

Just spitballing, but maybe a superior product at the same or better price? 

There’s something else that is more tiresome...

They don’t need to do jack for the planet. They’ll largely survive whatever happens. Water bears, krill, turtles and trees have been around millions of years longer than humans have, and they’ve done just fine. Humans are the delicate group who need shit to stay a certain way to survive.

My wife described that piece of shit show as a “nerd minstrel show”.

Are you kidding me? Paul Ryan is the hero of the stories he tells himself about parking his car, using a coupon and crossing the street.