
There’s nothing saying they have to make a movie with a western studio, so I’m saying they shouldn’t.

NOnononononononono. Illumination is the worst large-scale animation company in the western world right now.

Well that lasted all of 30 seconds -_-

Now the most down-voted comment in Reddit history.

The plural of Xbox One X is Pokemon

Huh? Might be a spoiler, but there is a large arcade Donkey Kong contingent to the playthrough of New Donk City.

You mean if the y-axis is right you won’t play.

“An expressed goal of McDonald’s is to render bodega unnecessary.”

The code wouldn’t work for me, contacting their customer service I guess...

The code wouldn’t work for me, contacting their customer service I guess...

Now playing

Just pop it in the head first like Gordon Ramsay:

If you want to see something interesting, Google the word “moralistic”. Compare Google’s in-line definition to those from Merriam Webster and Quite different.

Haha, looks excellent. Honestly I’ll pick this up even if it’s bad to encourage more proper 3D Unreal 4 games to come to the Switch already.

Or $800 for Nintendo Switch, coming just 6 months later! :O

Or $800 for Nintendo Switch, coming just 6 months later! :O

No SiteGround? Hmph.

No SiteGround? Hmph.

Or just use SeatGuru because every plane is different with every airline.

I’m partial to Bridezillas, which I’m very happy is coming back in 2018.

If only The Mooch had boneitis.

If I can remember your passive aggressive comment when I locate it then I’ll attempt to post you a picture. It’s not like these things were not mass produced or that the conditions to keep them in such a condition are so horribly unlikely.