Mr Jagermeister

Uh, no. It's written in from the opening scene and throughout the entire novel / film. I get what you're saying, but "Fight Club" is just a bad example. : )

Wait, what? Seriously?

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. I was hoping to knock out several backlogged games during my break from college... that didn't happen. I'm level 35, killed 232 chickens, and logged about 167 hours so far (not sure how much of that is from falling asleep virtually every session). I enjoyed the demo, decided to give

Thank you for being the person to point out that this isn't her "gimmick". I was curious and followed the links to her tumblr page, and found that I thoroughly enjoyed her particular style of writing. Hell, if only there was some way to tell a complete stranger that you enjoy the way they write and encourage them to

Damn. Wasted opportunity on their part I guess - I'm sure that was no where near the first choice option, it would have been interesting if it changed the entire dynamic of the group you meet in episode one. And I think people would have been shocked as hell to find out that it's the decisions you barely think about

I keep wondering what would have happened if I chose to look at the dogs collar instead of trying to pet it. Maybe then Clem would have known the name of the dog or owners, and that would have been familiar to the group holed up in the house. But naaaah, I gotta pet the thing.

Holy hell that was painful. I completely lost my erection immediately.

I suppose I shouldn't say "window" because it doesn't look like that. =D Although I saw it at the Air and Space Museum on the first, biggest digital IMAX3D screen here in VA. The cheap, gimmicky kind of 3D is that crap where they extend the image outside the letterbox format, and have things try to "appear" closer to

And you're perfectly justified in saying that. I hope you don't think I'm suggesting repeated torture viewings of films you hate =D I'm glad you enjoyed Memento, though, that's one of the best examples I can think of. If you're paying attention to the film, it's all there. You get that tingly feeling at the ending

Three movies that really stood out for me this year were: The East, Sound of my Voice, and Mr. Nobody. I think the first one was released this year, the second is a few years old, and the third was a high concept, multi-layered story starring Jared Leto that was finished in 2009 but is only now being released in the

I love the realism of it. They placed all the cameras in positions of function that would actually be useful angles for viewing back at NASA on Earth. It helped to create a sense of legitimacy to it. Also, it was one of the only "found footage" films that I have ever seen where the entire point of the film

To be fair, I think Pi is the kind of film that needs to be watched several times. Like... Memento. Or Donnie Darko, The Jacket, The Fountain, Stay, Following, Inception, etc. It probably helps to be a little bit crazy to enjoy Pi as well - it's one of my all-time favorites but it's also not a film I'd recommend to

Personally, I loved them both. In fact, after "Gravity" and "Europa Report", I don't think I'll be able to watch a movie set in space for a few years without comparing it or complaining about it.

What a frustrating mess of a movie! I think my major problem with it is so much squandered potential. It's visually beautiful, has a clever gimmick, plenty of well thought out scenes... but dammit, the acting (especially Jim Sturgess) was just so terrible that it completely ruined it for me. I'm not even sure if

From a German bus driver standpoint, we all look the same. =X

Oops, Nathaniel I tried to answer your question but I responded to PMMDJ's post below your OP. =) It's not for everyone, but as a big film buff, I found it very refreshing and worthy of recommendation.

I agree! I think a lot of people didn't like "The Village" because it wasn't supposed to be a monster movie either, despite the marketing and expectations.

I really don't think that the amount of "American" films he's done compare to the very long list of credits he has on IMDB. I first saw him in "The Last Samurai" (and if anything, people were complaining about Tom Cruise's role) - but I found the film enjoyable. I felt his role in "Batman Begins" as Ra's al Ghul

Now, dammit, go and watch it! I think it might still be on Netflix Instant. It's a really good B movie with Nathan Fillion (Firefly/Serenity/Castle), Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead), Elizabeth Banks (about 10% of all movies made in the 2000's), and even a small role for Pam from The Office (I can't be bothered to

Forget asinine console wars and nonsensical company loyalties for a second—both current-next-gen consoles are selling quite well, and that's good news for anyone who likes video games at all. As the installed base—that's marketing talk for "number of people"—for each console grows, big third-party publishers will feel