Mr Jagermeister

Hahahaha! I love the scene where Trevor eyeballs the three of them wearing masks before the heist, and then busts out laughing.

Honestly, I'm rocking the epic beard men. Michael looks like Max Payne, Franklin is O.G. and Trevor is uh... Trevor. Is Trevor's bald head a pre-order bonus or something? I want it!

Haha he gets SO ANGRY, too. "That's exactly what a hipster would say!!" "NO I REALLY hate them!!" hahahahah =)

I ran into that with Michael so I looked it up - evidently you can only do anything in that situation if you're playing as Trevor and immediately activate your special to survive the stun and attack... I didn't read what happens after that though :)

Hahaha, yeaaaaah. I tried using the interface to select the player I was with as a different color blip. Then we became friends. It'd be nice to have an option to not beat the crap out of people you're trying to play with, without changing the targeting options. Gotta admit though, it was pretty hilarious to

To be fair, GTAV has a fully functional single player experience that includes GTA Online. At least people can play the game they bought on day one, which (to my recollection) was not the case with SimCity, etc. I'm not giving them a free pass by any means, but I think the rage factor would be much higher if people

Really wish that they could have at least 32 players in a map. The world is just TOO BIG for 16 people to be scattered around. At least the invite system for playlists and such let them join from anywhere. R* would be stupid to not release this on next-gen consoles with a significantly higher player count - 64

The cash sharing is neat - when I first read about it, I was worried that it would mostly be used to not share after completing missions by griefers. But, I was doing free roam with some random dude, and we were basically playing around the town. Here's a water tower, let's climb it and dive off face first! Ooops,

I agree, the streets are really empty feeling (traffic / pedestrians), and the ragdoll faceplant is SORELY MISSED. And by that I mean, what's the point of being able to buy a helmet if you can't headbutt the wall??

Oh hell, I'd rage too. I got fed up trying to catch the Coquettes from his missions a few times - was doing it solo, and how the hell are you supposed to stop them without damaging the car anyway?

You have no idea how much I miss the "Jackass" faceplants in Online. I'll be honest though, "The Bird" emote/action is pretty hilarious. I ran into a random dude that was also playing a female character (I had no mic), so we communicated by jumping on cars, giving the finger, and accidentally knocking each other out

Hahaha we should get a multiplayer clan going. SIR!! I'm stopping you not because you just exploded a car and shot three people, but because you ran a red light back there and failed to use your blinker. This is gonna hurt...

There's a mission in GTAV where Michael's daughter, Tracy, is on a yacht in a bikini. And it looks like they spent time rendering her "boob physics", so the tech is in the game, but they totally don't use it in the strip club where it makes sense. Those things are boulders and paperweights. I dunno, lol, someone

You'd think in GTA V that at least some of the civilians would notice the crazy shit happening on Bleet, in news articles, and by listening to the radio... and maybe, I dunno... lock their car doors? Jacking cars has never been easier.

I read a comment a while back about Tracy's "boob physics" on the yacht, and why the strippers all have rock solid masses, lol. So true, it can't be unseen now.

I can't speak for the next-gen titles that are yet to come, but I do think that The Last of Us deserves the GOTY award. Don't get me wrong, I've poured an easy 40+ hours into GTA V so far, and have SO much more to do. I finally got into the Online game last night and played "Jackass" with another random player for a

What did you think of the Infamous series? I really enjoyed the progression in those games - especially using the environment as a source of your power and a means to travel. The DLC for the second 0ne threw in some fun "turn into a swarm of bats" mechanic to move around even more. I loved Prototype for the sheer

MangoTopia, you just gave me a lightbulb moment. This might be the first game where I drive the speed limit and stop at red lights, and act out on my road rage by being a vigilante for those that don't use blinkers, tailgate, etc. Haha, suddenly my interest in this game just shot up for all the wrong reasons :)

So sad that they jump/dive/roll faceplant from single player isn't in Online. I played for a few hours last night with some random player (both of us dudes, playing females). I couldn't stop laughing. Didn't have a mic, so we mostly communicated by walking around giving everyone the finger, with bullets, and horn

Agreed! I would have loved it if they borrowed a bit from the Assassin's Creed series. Let you sit down on a bench, mingle in with a group of pedestrians when your wanted level gets too high, and have dual hidden knives to jump on people with :)