Mr Jagermeister

Putting my vote out there for Hugh Laurie (House) as Lex Luthor. Sure, he's probably not what you'd imagine... but look at him! He's got that intensity, is always smarter than everyone in the room, has a charismatic yet sarcastic charm and wit... I think he'd be diabolical.

"Say it. SAY IT." "Superman will save me...." "WROOOOOOOOOOONG!!!"
I thought he was great. Charismatic, smarter than everyone in the room, and fun.

This is probably insane, but I think Hugh Laurie (House) would be fun. He's intense, even smarter than everyone in the room, always looks like he's scheming, highly

This is why I can't have kids. It made me wanna be in my 20's again and do hallucinogenics.

Now playing

I played it on the 3DO. Of course, I was blown away by the FMV intro, haha. And I remember this being one of the games with an actual soundtrack (like Road Rash and their use of Soundgarden, etc.) Never beat it, but I realize now I was playing the precursor to Crazy Taxi and GTA at the same time way back when. And

Hahaha. The only way to detect the possibility of turtle face is to offer Nick a cookie.

Hmm. I guess that depends on whether or not you're a fan of Danny Boyle's films. He's got some really creative and twisted stuff, and some broader appeal stuff, and this is somewhere in the middle. If you don't know anything about the plot, I'd say watch it blind - it's a high concept film and paying attention is

Have you seen "Trance" yet?

Hahahahaha I'm not sure if you're trying to manage a harem or if you've just been burned a lot in the past like me. My ex-fiancee flipped out when a friend that worked for AT&T signed us up for free on some feature where you can track the phone (in case you lose the phone, or a kid). Yeaaah, that cramped her style.

Damn speed reading. I thought he said he'd blow a unicorn.

Not to worry - I was a bartender for ten years first, so if you come to... I'll have probably already drank the Jagermeister. My peach schnapps molotovs shouldn't do too much damage.

And hahaha @ "one-man Village People". That's a great band name, stealing it! It should be interesting, I've had a pretty unbelievable

I'm training to be a Paramedic - just happened to be reading up on seizures when I came across your comment. And yeah, they don't mention clickers anywhere in here. Mighty kind of you to offer up a medkit though!! I tried to craft one in a hurry and use it, and ended up crafting a molotov by accident and throwing it

Ellie swearing? That's adorable.

Think about it like this: Take the infected completely out of the plot. Then look at it from the point of view that Joel's little baby girl died in his arms, shot by the authorities during a riot. He's broken, and turns to a darker lifestyle to make ends meet. What's he got to lose? Closes out the world, and does

It really does make a difference. She was willing to sacrifice her life to potentially improve the lives of others - 20 years after the world went to shit. There's no cure for the infected - or at least, I doubt anyone even in the early stages would want to be brought back. Sam seemed pretty scared. So, just the

Yeah, cold blooded wasn't the right way to phrase it. In that room, it was the first time that I took pause and thought about my options and what the consequences were, and took so long doing so that the door burst open and armed men killed me. Normally, the only time I took a moment was to plan how and when I was

I understood a bit more where Marlene was coming from after listening to the recordings and reading collectibles. She knew nothing about Joel and in her mind, she was making the harder decision - and it sounded like she was wavering on that, too. Jesus (of Kotaku, haha) wrote a list of things the Fireflies could

Haha, yeah it took me by surprise too. I was looking for somewhere on her stretcher to push triangle, so I could wheel her around like a dumpster or those planks that kept her floating above water. I thought I could punch the doctor and knock him out and wheel her from the other side, but yeah... he should have been

I'm kinda shocked that not a single response mentioned how it went down for me. I walked into the room before the OR, and saw the silhouettes through the window. My first thought was rage. I stealthed most of the game, but by the time I was in the quarantine area of the hospital, I had created a stack of bodies in

I'm kinda shocked that not a single response mentioned how it went down for me. I walked into the room before the OR, and saw the silhouettes through the window. My first thought was rage. I stealthed most of the game, but by the time I was in the quarantine area of the hospital, I had created a stack of bodies in

I must be in the minority but I look forward to films from Snyder and Tarsem. I make an honest attempt to watch as many films as possible, and so it's refreshing to watch a director take their vision and carve out a niche for themselves. I thought this one looked gorgeous. Oh, and I enjoyed "Sucker Punch" too, for