Mr Jagermeister

In IMAX 3D, (a real one, and not some retro-fitted AMC knock off cash grab IMAX), the surround sound is ridiculously good. The bass was booming, the sense of movement and motion was present, and Hans Zimmer's score had the hair on my entire body standing on end. And I've been a fan of his for twenty something years

I'm 100% in favor of the IMAX 3D film, and honestly believe that it made this more of an event film that will only be diminished by those who wait to see it at home on smaller screens with less speakers and in 2D.

I never once during the movie thought, "Hey it's the 3D part!" because it's used correctly - not gimmicky

I would imagine turning the music level down under the audio settings should take care of the overall level of the soundtrack (assuming the movie slider is for cinematics). Probably the better thing to do is to adjust the dynamic range listed under OUTPUT though - where you choose DTS, Dolby Pro Logic II, Stereo

My birthday is 9/11. I think I'm going to read your post every year as a present to myself, now that I'm not stuck hiding out from instant replays for the past decade. Well said, sir.

Shit. I've been saying that forever! Except in my scenario, it was "the only way we'll unify as a species globally and end war/etc. on each other is if alien life shows up, and even then they'll probably come in peace while we unite to try and kill it".

Save Game corruption/loss?! Just wondering if anyone else has had an issue with this? The game is absolutely worth the $20, bugs and all. Hoping the upcoming patch will fix some of the annoying issues that come up on the forums. Having said that, I just lost 12-16 hours of gameplay due to the save system - I

Agreed. I would REALLY love to swap items with survivors and store them in vehicles. Especially when I'm rocking an assault rifle and new guy has my back with a broken table leg or a wooden stick. I'd be fine with losing all my gear if the car explodes too, if it meant I could do resource runs more efficiently.

I see this more as a test run for the MMO follow-up (State of Decay was originally titled "Class 3", and the MMO followup "Class 4"). So if it puts $20 in their pockets for an arcade game that funds and supports the bigger project with assurances that people will buy it, I don't mind the wait. I don't regret this

Haha, I used "The Sims" to explain it to someone last night. But yeah, survival-horror-third-person-resource-management-permadeath-post-apocalyptic-Sims-with-zombies covers it pretty well.

It's really worth paying for, by the way. And I say that after having my 12-16 hour game save disappear completely and revert

I'm entering dangerous territory here, but how many of you watched it in IMAX 3D, or at least 3D on a smaller screen? I'm an enormous fan of film, and can almost always find something redeeming in most movies - maybe the plot of something is shit, but I might still appreciate the camerawork, soundtrack, etc. I'm

I'm not sure if you're for or against "Upstream Color", but the mention of it alone makes me like your comment that much more.

It's okay, Jesus. There's all kinds of performance anxiety medications out there now. I wouldn't worry too much about the second coming. It's the first one you don't want to be early. O.o

The one game that I most enjoyed knocking out my... lets call it "extensive"... stack of shame, was May Payne 3. That was a

For what it's worth, I had to seek out JesusChrist as my first commenter to follow. Purely for entertainment purposes; I would never do such a thing in real life. You gotta go to the source for the fun comments!

Personally, I'm going to wait for Bioshock Infinite: Skyline Tycoon GOTY Edition. My stack of shame is

And thus, the first shadow vocalist in history fired his shadow sax player and drummer for hogging the spotlight. I like the art deco style though - reminds me of Sierra's old "Laura Bow and the Dagger of Amon-Ra". Could be an interesting twist on platforming.

Just like a tomb raider... bring an ice axe to a wall fight (#SeanConneryImpressions)

Sold. I like the idea of a game trying to fuck with my head. I really started to empathize with the working girls of GTA4 after the hilarious article reposted here a week ago. So, ya man. You get David Cage on the phone, and sell Peter Molyneux on the idea and I'm pretty sure you just made it big.

Add B. Dolan and Scroobius Pip to that list please.

Dammit, no! Didn't know about it! And I've been wanting to put it in my stack of shame, too. If nothing else, so I can play it on holidays to talk to Calendar Man until I have the time to really play the game, haha.

I think you're on to something there. I'd much rather play a FPS Walking Dead game if it was from the losing side of a well armed and organized militia/military/etc. When I read the article I literally paused for a moment to wonder if this was an April Fools... I really do like your idea though.

I was suckered in by Best Buy's winter promotion to preorder/buy 5 games, get $100. Of course, I haven't begun two of them yet. In fact, I have yet to beat any of them. And I paid $60, when they're mostly available in the $20-30 range by now. =/ I really need to find a way to play video games for a living. The