
if you wanna tease yourself further you can google for video of it. that shit looked very on-the-way to being complete.

It always brings me a weird joy to know that other people are taking on the undertaking that is Demon's Souls.

Did you have to hide them mashed in a piece of cheese so you wouldn't know? or did you just eat around the cheese and spit them to everyone's loud disappointment, with a smug look on your face afterwards?

I'd love to play that 100 Bullets game they axed years ago.

this thread is WINderful. I WISH I still had stuff like this, but much of this kind of thing was lost in the house fire.

I should go back to it. You don't find it weird that the game has such freedom simultaneously with such restrictions? When I first pointed a gun at someone and they responded to the action I was blown away...but it's not like the game heaps tons of options on you, it seemed fairly linear to me.

Esper's giving you the good advice. You want grapeshot, get the recipe ASAP and use it (and always swap in weightless herbs when combining, if you have the option, they're everywhere but the game likes to compel you to use creature drops in alchemy which are sometimes needed for specific armor/weapon recipes).

hold on I beat Nier...what are you people talking about? there's another character?

It's the shiznit. I've had epiphanies sitting outside on the little curb-like border around the store, it's kind of my own Bodhisattva tree . I met a girl I would end up dating outside. I found myself there after one of my high school proms. It's like the nexus point of my youth, and I still find myself there

I afford you your opinion, but take it from someone who really doesn't sink a ton of time into most games like this. I LOVED Fallout 3. Played it through twice (one evil one good, with a few months in between playthroughs). And I HATED Fallout: New Vegas.

Sorry, I gotta do one more. My 2nd favorite hotdog. One of the things I deeply miss about Troy, NY. I have actual dreams about 4 with the works sometimes since moving back to NYC (that's raw onions, mustard, and that fucking insane chili sauce on mini pork hotdogs that are actually made fresh daily down the street).

I celebrate this clip to the fullest. Thanks for that.

The amount of these (with mustard and cooked onions) I've run through my digestive tract over the past 20 years - always followed with a somehow pleasantly chalky papaya juice - would have to number over 5000.

me too man. I've been enjoying it immensely, but i'm starting to get to that "lets get over with it already" zone. I'm midway through Chapter 3. I enjoyed it a lot but I felt like the pacing gets sluggish through Chapter 2. I'm trying to stick with it though, and so much of it works. I beat Dragon Age: Origins and

i don't think it makes you a moron, just a humorless kotakuite.

From the Gamasutra article:

Now playing

Anybody here gotten into Burial at all? I spent over 2 months doing nothing but listening to his music.

Do any of yall highly recommend Red Dead Revolver? Is it worth dusting off the PS2 for?

Platformers and sidescrolling beat'em'eups are my two favorite genres. Michael Abbott once said that "platformers are videogaming's 'jazz'" and I completely agree.

Klonoa was so freakin good!