
If anyone went to the PaxEast Jordan Mechner keynote you would've heard him say the same thing. He mentioned it early in the speech, stating that he (I'm paraphrasing here) "Spent a lot of time in awe at the AI used in the second character, it was so complex and nuanced, it made mistakes and led me the wrong way

Just adding agreement to this. Is Studio 60 one of the shows people are bashing as the failures of this "new Sorkin"? like, the post-cocaine Sorkin? If so I don't get it.

Considering the countless hours I've put into the freebie PC Spelunky - and I imagine you have as well - I was happy to plunk down the cash for the XBLA version. It's well worth it, even if you find yourself buying it twice.

There is indeed:

This is a fucking horseshit hoagie. McChris can suck 37 diseased dicks. In a row.

I always leave subtitles off...I find that if they're available I'll end up buttoning through all the dialogue, and I like to absorb the texture of the voice talent.

Hey I dunno what this is, or how you find it, or why, but I'm getting it.

This game is worth your money and more.

Yeah, please don't get it twisted. I don't mean I need meaningless fetch quests, just SOMETHING. The fact that Shadows of the Damned didn't have at the very least a new game+ mode made no sense at all to me. I probably would've toyed with it a bit more.

I fucking love Suda but his games at full price have been driving me nuts. The last game of his I payed full for that I feel like I really got the most out of was No More Heroes.

Yeah you pretty much hit it man. Like, let's not condemn this most preliminary of peeks at what they're doing, but it seems kinda lazy. I'm all for aesthetics in games, and I can see this being a big sell for this one, but if this is really the proof-of-concept the concept is weak.

Yeah you pretty much hit it man. Like, let's not condemn this most preliminary of peeks at what they're doing, but it seems kinda lazy. I'm all for aesthetics in games, and I can see this being a big sell for this one, but if this is really the proof-of-concept the concept is weak.

to you and the rest...this is reason why I love Kotaku. You guys/gals are the best!

Gold Krugerrands? I thought they were protein bars.

I'm not gonna blather about whether I support or condemn the original article. I'll just say this: it was kinda funny. anybody paratrooping into the fray screaming cries of "reverse racism" or some other such tripe are just bellowing into the abyss. racism persistently exists, still to this day, possibly

this is exactly what I was thinking of when I read the stuffed shirt loquacious comment avalanche that occurred on original publication of this article.

Now playing

an oldie but a goodie. one of the best freestyles I've ever heard in my life, UK, US or otherwise.

were you around for the Steam holiday sale?

No offense to the winner but there were WAY too many better ones in the list that even looked like they took some time. I thought the winner was kinda eh.

hey Bash, are you absolutely sure this is how Beat really feels? it definitely wasn't a joke or anything?