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Some absolutely awesome games in there, too! Noitu Love 2, POP 2, some others surprised me.

I'd love me a piece of the wheatmeister...

I haven't played Jak 2 in a while, and although the tone is dark I still think the game is awesome.

I can't get over how much I'm enjoying The Witcher 2.

Although I agree with you a bit, I love Abbott's idea of creating this repository of our opinions about intelligent games, kind of like a communal essay. So he's turning a stupid thing somebody said into a cool project.

I threw mine in. Might write a few more.

I stopped playing Trials after a couple of weeks when I just plateaued and could barely do shit on the later levels. I still enjoyed it but I got quite bitter so I killed it. Was going to by Evolution but I remembered the frustration I experienced and thought better of it...just not good enough to rock it like some

THANK YOU for that link. there is some terrific stuff in there.

I lol'ed.

I am hearting you for one simple reason. I watched the video in the post and the first thing that shot into my brain was the Space Hulk intro.

I get that this is Max Payne for a new generation of gamers. Rockstar hasn't really slid into the mud in my opinion, they always seem to develop bigger, smarter, brighter games (aside from State of Emergency).

glad to see you Kotakuites are showing love for this game. I really really enjoyed it and i'm still hitting my head against it in a pleasant way. I remember figuring out the runic alphabet was a special moment.

I have to agree with you on UC3. Though I did not play the living daylights out of UC2 the way you demonstrate, I enjoyed it thoroughly, enjoyed the MP, and still to this day enjoy starting a new single-player run.

I saw Chasing Ghosts at a special NYC screening with the directors (and I got to play Berserk with that dude who was king of it at Barcade...I told him this is like the oldschool videogame equivalent of doing heroin with Burroughs), and one of my first questions was "is Mr. Awesome really this dude? It's not some

thanks for listening brother...I wish I could say that you're exaggerating but seriously this happened and I never approached a school project using video games as a jumping off point again, to avoid the risk of this happening once more.

This actually is a fucked up memory for me. It goes like this:

you know, I somehow missed this sadly ignorant game mechanic.

Any PAXers come back from East last weekend? What did you play that was awesome?

wow I haven't posted in a GOOD long while.

Thanks for the heads up Fahey, I ordered the premium signed CD-type thing. I imagine this print run of 1000 will sell out quick...