Mr. GOH!

Welp, there goes any sympathy I had.

this is nice, still think that he won’t change though idk i feel like it’s easy for abusers to fall back into the cycle again even if they’re “getting help”

I believe you’ll find the vast majority of responses to your question will be “No.”

Struggling to get 30 series? The market is absolutely flooded with cheap 3070s, 3080s, and 3090s.

My guess is that it gets ‘rebranded’ as a 4070 for the same price, or maybe $849, and then the 4060 will be $729 and a 4050 for $599

“if you HAVE a girl or a wife GIVE her a night with me”

Men don’t own women... men don’t “give” women to people. The way you talk about women is weird and gross. Also, your myopic definition of misogyny is extremely short-sighted. Anything less than “hating women with a passion” isn’t misogyny to you?

Wild that you

To a misogynist, misogyny doesn’t sound misogynistic.

G2 Esports now faces a huge loss, all because its boss insisted on “partying with whoever the fuck I want.”

Anyone careening in to defend the guy is going to have to grapple with the reality that Riot Games can also party with whoever the fuck they want.

If you sit at a table with 10 Nazi’s, there’s 11 Nazi’s at the table.

I feel like other places (maybe here) have already hit the head on the nail on this.

The virgin Gary Gygax vs. the chad Dave Arneson

I mean, me personally, I’d love for this generation to support ultrawide resolutions at some point, even if they have to limit it to resolutions lower than 4K. Mainly 3440x1440 and 2560x1080. If the consoles can already push 4K/60FPS, running UW1440/60FPS shouldn’t be much of an issue.

I personally play PS5 on a 1440p monitor, so this is definitely a welcomed addition. Sony might also see the data and found out more and more people using monitors instead TV to play on PS5. Wouldn’t be surprised in the era of streamers since most of them will use monitors instead of TVs to play and stream.

But Russia’s run by a lily-white strongman who hates liberals, just like us! Of course it’s gotta be free!

Anyone that would accept the sentence “Russia is a bastion of freedom” at face value and not laugh or roll eyes in response is a Grade AAA mark.

Anyone who believes memes is a complete moron.”

Theres one conservative place on the TV and not on the internet and its owned by disney.

as someone who is quite fond of Jesus worship and is not conservative, leave us out of your count, there are a lot of progressive Christians who want none of what conservatism is.

So conservative stands for hateful bigots who want to bomb people?

I guess “Kiwifarms as Russian state media” makes a certain kind of sense.