Mr. GOH!

I’ve long learned to keed my expectations in check - especially after all the failed promises of the last few years (Pillars of Eternity, Tyranny, Numenera, Outer Worlds) -, but I am rooting for this one. We DID get a few truly excellent games out of this revival (Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Age of Decadence, Disco

I’m not sneering at all. I’m being lighthearted. KOTOR and Dragon Age are two of my all-time favourite games. Also, PoE1 was great.

Control is my favourite Remedy game by far. Besides being very fun, they kept the pace going with nice and brief cutscenes and more showing, less info-dumping.
 I’m a bit concerned since the lead designer left, and I feel like he was probably a primary motivator in keeping the cutscenes so short. Plus, the game was

Law enforcement continues to shit their pants any time someone does something even vaguely threatening.

nothing about a kid with an antifreeze jug should make any rational person jumpy. That officer is unfit for society

No shit. If the cops are that jumpy they need to be in another line of work.

I sincerely hate drumsticks. The ratio of edible meat to semi-digestible tendons and cartilage is just way off for my tastes. I don’t like wings or breast meat either. I’m a thighs or something else guy so maybe I’m just weird, but thsi is great news for me.  

I feel like because this is a Brian article folks are getting confused: Utada is Japanese like Pitbull is Cuban. We talking about the English language here, Utada is just as American as Japanese. There’s no translating going on there!

Read the second sentence of the article; Utada is quoted as saying “I’m nonbinary” and the sentence links to a video of them saying that. This isn’t a grown woman complaining about English honorifics, this is a grown person coming out as nonbinary and doing educational work with some of their audience.

this is so all just so... lame? both twitch’s double standards and the activity driving it all. i hate both.

Comment offering very legitimate career opportunity making $7,000 a month working from home, possibly doing video game blogs.

You’re acting like this is somehow at odds.

As someone else said, people can have their viewpoints. We’re also still allowed to criticize them for it.

He’s either a liar or ignorant. 

...with horsies and George R.R Martin.

That gameplay looks like an impressive step forward for Souls games.  Can’t wait to see how different this ends up being compared to Souls/Bourne/Sekiro.

1) You could’ve told me this was a Dark Souls game completely without GRRM’s involvement, and nothing in the trailer would’ve seemed out of place.

You can’t trick me. This some Dark Souls-ass Dark Souls.

That’s optimistic. This thing is going directly onto the collector curiosity shelf. It will be played for all of an hour or two for most people. 

As opposed to the Analogue Pocket, this seems to only run a few custom made game correct? Which probably explains why they don’t expect to be in short supply......