Mr. GOH!

They work for me. But I guess it would depend on the size screen you play on and the distance you sit at. I have an 85" TV, so my TV takes up the more than 75-80 degrees of field of view for me. visual horizons are skewed and my brain gets motion sickness.

I’m pretty sure its not just a recreation of the first game. I could have swore I saw an interview that Mazin did where they mentioned wanting to explore other areas and untold stories along the way. Not to mention that there is a 20 year gap between the opening events and when we even meet Ellie that could be used.

Seems like a cool dude, has been good in everything I’ve seen him in. Cheers to this.

Yea, they just wore down and loosened to the point where the neutral position of the stick was tilted lol. So many N64 controllers...

What button do I press for Sony Support to ask them “When are you going to enable the m.2 slot”

N64 controller joysticks would just go completely limp after a while.

this didn’t happen in the 90s

The fact they gave the USP a constant need to stop and cooldown is just the easiest thing to point to as why this game was inevitably going to fail.

Kotaku, and the way you run it, have been an inspiration. And you’ve been an eloquent, thoughtful champion of the entire G/O editorial staff.

Damn, sad to see the person who made this site diverse in opinion and representation and dramatically improved the character of it compared to what could’ve been just another games site go.

Godspeed Totilo...

Sorry to see you go, but glad to see you’re taking a break.  Looking forward to seeing where you end up, and reading you there too. :) 

You will be missed, Stephen. I think you did a very good job with this weird site... the fact that I came here after countless garbage redesigns and ever-increasing ads can be attributed greatly to your leadership.

It was an honor to work with you. Beautiful note and best of luck on your next gig!!

Because that would require effort and this is a very “doing this for the money” remaster.

“Asked the talent to ask Haugen for the same clothing and gear that she wore when he created the Cade Janus Photographs”

It would be one thing if they were just visually similar.

I mean, I’d say that it’s a bit of both. My sister and brother-in-law just got Starlink internet because despite living in fairly close-in suburbs of a reasonably large town, their house is too far off the road for the cable company to connect them. They relied on DSL for a long time, but it was barely good enough to

lol at these massive companies with endless money and resources just perpetually shitting the bed when it comes to making a video game.

With enough small traders rallied to its cause, WallStreetBets can create its own stock market reality, at least for a little while.