
Sales numbers?

Megan Fox is ugly because her face is mostly plastic/botox.

I'm pretty sure someone over at civfanatics first beat CiV on deity.

It could have. Automatic weapons are banned where I live. In fact, all weapons are banned. You would have to pay $10k+ to get a handgun and get involved with organised crime and getting automatic weapons is literally impossible (and I mean literally) .

That's Skrillex, not dubstep.

Most rock songs are based on a few chords. That's music.

So, using three power chords in a song is complexity?

J.S. Bach's music didn't receive any recognition until the late 19th century. Maybe Dubstep will have the same fate. (I'm not serious, btw)

Not funny as a native speaker.

No, just no.

There's nothing classical about Bach.

Well, if the game is going to be at least a bit accurate you should be killing Hessians, so you are killing Germans.

It's still popular music (also known as pop). And yeah, I know people will say this is racist, but most asians can't do classical music. Even "stars" like Lang Lang are terrible to listen to as their interpretations are way to technical, making them sound like robots.

Which Korean singer is really talented? There's a tiny difference between being a plastic popstar and a good bass-baritone.

Running people over in a Jugular E was awesome.

The whole Jonathan Blow part was basically him crying because people don't "get" what Braid is about. Gosh, that was annoying. (And don't Google Alert me, Mr.Blow!)

No, it isn't.

LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I can't hear you!

Comics and video games don't have anything to do with each other.

*Gott im Himmel!