MR. FAP☆FAP! 。◕‿◕。

You know, it's been a lonnnng tim since I posted here but this Fappy Bird... flap... brought me back.


No biggie, we all make mistakes every now and again :)

3DS costs $250, chief...

I saw a big ol' list stack of trailers on Go Nintendo yesterday, watched 'em all and this is the game that stood out the most to me. It looks awesome. Its the first game besides Kid Icarus that's really making me want a 3DS.

I'll be genuinely stunned if this costs more than $299. Hopefully Nintendo will have learned a lesson for the 3DS's less than impressive launch... that goes for pricing AND relying on third parties to step up to the plate.

Good lord, YES TO OKAMI. Should be a friggin' launch title for this thing. It would sell millions to the Zelda fanboys if Capcom did it right (which they won't, going by their track record).

The ending was straight out of God Hand. Either give me dodging abilities or custom movies and I'll buy this Day 1.

I'm not a FPS guy, but I have to admit that the director mode thing sounds really cool.

I've been on Team Nintendo since I was 5 years old back in '87. Believe me when I say that if they haven't announced these games are coming to America... they aren't coming, period.

The big question that nobody is asking is... does this thing ALSO come with a Wiimote or not? The demos they showed make it seem like having a Wiimote is essential for properly experiencing the console.

For the Mac side, I would be a total mess if I didn't have Spirited Away, a little app that auto-hides your open programs and windows after a set amount of time.

lol. I think your inability to finish the Water Temple has given you the wrong impression. The Water Temple is *NOBODY'S* favorite temple. Haha

I haven't had what I consider to be a new and exciting gaming experience since 2006. God Hand, Okami and Dead Rising are all games I played that year and I was floored by each one of them.

Telltale is great and all, but I really don't want them to be the ones making a Walking Dead game. I'd rather have something... more akin the that Wii game Fragile, but with zombies. Not some point 'n' click episodic number.

Haha- I have this piece of shit. I remember it also came with like a flight stick sort of thing that you stick in that little hole on the bottom half (that sounds kind of dirty!) Apparently, the makers of it must've realized that it was a piece of shit and tried to give it a more standard control input.

Yeah, it's been subbed for a while actually. You can find it on BitTorrent pretty easily.

So when this releases and sells about as well as every other arcade-style rails game, will people also start saying stupid shit like, "hardcore games don't sell on the Xbox"?

If you ever spent any amount of time on Smash Boards, you would know that the answer to you question is... yes. Yes, they would.

Today I watched The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. I lovvvvvvved it.