MR. FAP☆FAP! 。◕‿◕。

Well if I apologized to Iwata, I hope he also took the time to say, "People really, really want this, so lets make it happen!"

This looks more like God Hand than MadWorld did, so I'm excited for it.

What's annoying about things like this isn't the fact that some people like Melee better. Most (mature) people would happily say, "Well, that's your opinion" and leave it at that.

If that's not the official Kirby motto from now on, I'm going to be disappointed.

I'm still not seeing any reason to buy this. If I want, console games, I'll play them on my console. If I want the other features, I have a much smaller phone that (probably) will do said non-gaming features better anyway.

I would probably be interested in this if it was a phone.

I'm not seeing a reason for me to personally buy this. Aside from Wipeout, a franchise which kind of went stale years ago, none of the games so far are appealing to me.

I'll be buying a 3DS, but not until whenever Kid Icarus comes out. I never, ever take my DS out in public. I sit there and play it on the couch.

And suddenly, just like that, I lost interest in playing a Dead or Alive game again.

I personally don't really care much about Achievements. I had some fun going after them in Dead Rising 1, but since then I haven't been able to muster up the urge to go for them in any other game, save maybe Ikaruga (and even then I quickly lost interest in them).

You know what I wish they WOULD do with this is instead make a second quest game that can be acessed after you beat the game. Like the master quest, except it's sort of a post-Gannon Zelda story where you kind of run around doing side quests and clearing squatters and monsters out of the temples and stuff.

Oh christ, there's a Justin Beaver movie coming out? Does this mean that even me, a person who largely abandoned watching TV years ago, as well as everyone else are going to be subjected to endless amounts of his irritating face everywhere we go and in every possible advertising medium for a period of at least 2

I love you, Nintendo, but... Im a nerd who imports games. And I don't have the money to spend on multiple 3DS's. Lack of region free means I'll be hacking this thing, too. Oh well.

I'll buy it at that price, but not until Kid Icarus releases. If it was$200, I'd buy it on Day 1.

I haven't visited this site in about 6 months. It just got the the point where, as much as I liked certain writers, there were too many stupid decisions made by Gawker that ruined the experience. Later on, the password hack debacle didn't help.

You know, the worst part is that you just KNOW that come early next year, at least a few developers from EA are going to rue and lament and ponder aloud why NBA Jam flopped on the Wii and blame it on the audience. Again.