
You suck, Comic Book Guy.

Sniff, sniff, I smell, ew, a MGTOW, and someone who can barely, barely write a coherent sentence.

I think you need to look up the words “defensive,” “spamming,” “every,” “everyone,” and “forcing” in the dictionary.

It’s 2016, and it’s fantasy, not a historical document, so probably. There are lots of whites and Asians in Africa, and all kinds of different races in Asia.

You’re right. I checked the history and I woefully overlooked the long and storied Nordic history of magic, wizardry, and spellcraft. Silly me. This is based on fact and history! Not some fantasy made up out of someone’s mind that expresses an aesthetic preference. You schooled me!

Okay, I'll shut up as soon as you shut up, bigot. See what I did there? You didn't write anything to indicate that you're a bigot, but I called you one anyway. Just like I didn't write anything indicating something wasn't fair or needed to be changed in order to be acceptable by the dominant culture at large. The same

Jesus Christ Man is one of my favorite superheroes.

I think this statement says more about you and your horse than it does about me.

3 seconds? This article was posted over twenty four hours ago!

Name one country that is all white, MGHOW?

You’re right, I shouldn’t have dismissed Norway’s long history of magic and wizards.

Me, too, incidentally.

You care, apparently.

Jeez, you don't belong here. You're making too much sense.


Motherfucker is one word. You must be a millionaire, what with your advanced divination skills! All that from a six word sentence? Amazing!

I don’t believe you saw anything “1000 years ao.” Unless you travel time?


Who’s complaining? Besides you?