
Wouldn't it be freaking awesome if this was secretly a countdown to the day the game physically shipped? Kind of like the old days without the internet. I really do miss those times.

Radcliffe's only hope of survival.

This would be more useful if, instead of a solid cube, it was a box-like cube object that you put your hand in and the cube would adjust the inside to the feel of the future temperature.

Remember when everyone said there was no way OnLive would ever work? Yeah, so just wait.

Damn you for making me Google image her. Oy.

Wow you just brought back a nostalgic overload with that image. Hearted sir.

"According to Apple"

"This move will definitely cost Redbox as it will have to pay more to purchase the media elsewhere"

To my surprise he went this whole article without even a mention of Geometry wars. I didn't think it would be possible.

It good to know their major audience is adult males.

Mario Kart 64 was in reference to the Nintendo 64, and really had nothing to do with the amount of games previously released in the series.

Go to your privacy settings and find something called "Limit the Audience for Past Posts". It might be able to help with that issue.

I knew once I saw the length of the article it was Tim's. This really is shorter in comparison to others. Seems a little less interesting, as well. No offense to Tim.

Don't lose hope, I know people in that position as well. All in good time!

From what I have observed over some time, basically if you are a chick who likes video games it really isn't that difficult to find a guy that would be legitimately interested. Something about girls and video games gets the guys interested.

Oh you just made my freaking day.

Pretty doesn't do her justice. She is gorgeous.