
Congratulations on your adoption. That really is great news.

Wouldn't this just dilute both drinks instead of turn one into the other?

That makes sense. Leave it to Anonymous to not be helpful.

So does anyone have a link to this so called "official" chat room?

"I bike a total of 8 miles every weekday for school. There isn't exactly a lot of arm movement required for biking. How will it know how hard I'm peddling?"

Whats the point if the textbook you are buying is only $15? I think it's worth paying the cheaper price and not getting the opportunity to resell.

I thought the same thing. I seem to notice new versions on my old textbooks ever semester as well. "5-10 years"? They would have made at least five revisions of a textbook in that amount of time.

Over my school career I have written countless amounts of papers on this "pickup truck". Even if it is bigger than an ipad, it has a keyboard and an OS that works well for a student like myself. To me that is a deal breaker when considering an ipad.

Such a great idea. This kind of makes me wish I had seen it before the new year so I could try doing it. Now I feel like I have to wait until next year.

Is there a reason the Alienware logo is turned differently on each image of the PC? My mind is quite boggled.

Would you say those two were the overall best? This question is coming from somebody who hasn't played anything past Black. The most recent one looks pretty generic to me.

Before watching this I saw your comment and honestly didn't believe anything could top the post's video, but you sir have won. I cracked up even harder at that. I need to just calm down now because that just made my night.

The difference is that on Gizmodo, the change to blog view stays. I do it once on each computer I use and never have to again. With Google, it's every single search that I have to click that dang button.

More specifically the gap in general where the Ford logo resides.

To them it's just another stupid guy with the simple intention of flirting or impressing them. I'd get tired of it too.

I thought the same thing, until I looked at the silver area above the bumper and saw the cap in the middle. That and the number 7 are both obvious copies.

I somehow felt a great amount of depression come over me from that 8-step plan. Jeez. The book bursting into flames is quite unfortunate.

Just out of curiosity, how would anybody use over 200GB of data in one day?

Wouldn't that be the official release date..? AKA Feb. 22.

I live in Texas and we get a lot of them in the country, away from the big city. They really are beautiful to look at in a pack. They usually start coming out in the summer and stay until early fall.