
Isn't this a video game blog? I don't see how putting one video game reference that involves 2012 makes Kotaku more a relevant source for posting this kind of article as opposed to somewhere like io9. Aside from that one game, this article has nothing to do with video games.

Apologies. It was probably just my dead mind at 3 AM in the morning.

It seems common for people to be killed trying to escape a malfunctioning elevator. But what I find so incredibly bizarre is that it's always at that moment the person is escaping that the elevator starts moving again, or happens to change it's state. Almost like it has a mind of it's own. It just seems like such a

Throwing someone overboard for that seems highly unlikely.

Amen to this. I absolutely LOVED Game Dev Story. And while I haven't played any of the other games, I am sure they are just as good.

Banging is a figure of speech. I somehow wouldn't see it going that far, but I understand your meaning.

Can you elaborate that a bit? I'm curious at trying this game, but I'm just not sure if it's something I can really get into. What are you meaning by "profit"?

Mine read what I said as "Wolf ram planes overhead", and could not understand what I was saying. How did you get this to work..?

As far as I remember, I don't think it did outsell MW3? I'm curious where you read that information.

I do not understand how this is not considered porn.

I think that is beside the point.

Thank you for giving me a laugh. That is pretty funny stuff.

I too have had a co-worker suggest this game to me. I still haven't played it, so thank you for helping me decide completely.

I was so confused by the language, so I googled "oui", only to find out it is a "men's adult pornographic magazine published in the USA and featuring explicit nude photographs of models, with full page pin-ups, centerfolds". Comments helped out better than google.

I don't think I have ever read an entire comment this long before now. Bravo sir, you completely read my mind.

Should I feel bad for actually being curious about how well this works? Compared to the official one, it would be a pretty amusing test.

It's actually Candace Bailey. She is a host on Attack of the Show on G4.

Battlefield 3 for $28? Really? That was quick. Not to mention tempting.