
Such good Call of duty 1 memories. I'm pretty surprised how many people play it online still.

Mainly the prestige system and a sense of unlocking new weapons at a certain level really boosted a new type of game for FPSs, as it's new depth of multiplayer gameplay was more addictive and fresh.

I'll just leave this right here. I agree on it being hilarious.

How do you know they will be resetting stats?

Their lives are going to be rough. There won't be mercy for them, trust me. Read this:

Here is a really justifying article about the horrifying experience Cameron (one of the murderers) will have in the prison he will be at. It really made me feel better knowing he will be living in constant fear the rest of his life.

After looking a while I don't really see any resemblance. It probably isn't the same map from World at War.

Mission and Outpost as well I would say, from what we can see.

It also sucked. Props to them for trying though.

Now playing

If you have every played Modern Warfare 2 it will probably not differ much from that kind of gameplay. Here is a video of a match I recorded a while back.

I seriously re-read this topic in disbelief that somebody would be such an ignorant asshole. Bosco, douche bags like you are better off without stars.

This. Utter simplicity and convenience. This is the way PC demos are moving and I can see all demos using this method in the future.

I too am curious if that is even possible. Anyone with a 4S care to enlighten us?

How would you know that for sure?

I'm sorry but i can't stop laughing. I wasn't sure what to expect. You are amazing.

Why fix what isn't broken? Unless it is a better change there is no excuse for this.

So basically you're saying it is Modern Warfare 2.5