
Is this a show?

I feel like I am more susceptible to injury when my hands are wet and pruney. Something about swimming a while makes them feel easily torn and cut, kind of like when cold.

Thought for sure the wing would hit that traffic light, but maybe it's just the angle of the shot.

"Ethernet never took off"

I am even more baffled by the fact that these people are demonstrating this issue with Xbox One discs. I would have been more cautious and used something I didn't care about.

Thank you God, somebody posted it.

They are in stock! I picked one up.

Man, that light blue one is so tempting, but I'm not going to shell out $200+ for a shirt.

Ah it's cool, just curious. Glad you're alright!

So you are saying you had three lobes in your left lung, even though it is common knowledge now through research that the left has two and the right has three? Lol, I must be missing something here.

I'm pretty sure the left side actually has two lobes and the right has three, as there has to be room for the heart.

"Q. What if I lose my Coin or someone steals it?
A. In the event that your Coin loses contact with your phone for a period of time that you configure in the Coin mobile app, it will automatically deactivate itself."

That is a beautiful squirrel. I wish we had those here in Texas, but all we have are brown ones.

The logo is red?.. Why is the logo red on the top like the classic logo when all of the stock images show a white logo??

What if she gets a ps4 early?

I'm sure eBay or Craigslist would still have plenty.

What is going on with the back of the ship in the main picture?

Though badly phrased, he is stating that while playing against competing cars, these cars were pulling "surprising moves", and in this way it was clear that they were not the AI cars programmed by the dev team, but in fact the Drivatars (concluded from the cars being able to pull off these surprises).