
Sorry Golf, but it's hard to look tough when you're wearing glowing eye liner. Go wash that crap off and try again.

I like everything but the front-end, but I think even that will grow on me. Now to befriend an elderly millionaire to ensure I can obtain one...

Even better is the Ekobrew insert. I thought the My K-Cup made a decent cup of coffee until I tried the ekobrew. The taste and quality was much better!

Agreed. I'm running Ice Cream Sandwich on it at the moment. It's not perfect, but it works. I just wish the battery life was better.

Almost 2 years old. It's an original 16gb wifi model purchased shortly after they came out. Still not a great return on investment, but it could be worse.

I'll just use it's handicapped half-brother, the HP Touchpad. Then I'll appreciate the iPad 3 even more when I finally get it.

Looks like I can still get $250-$325 for my iPad on Craigslist. I know what I'll be doing tonight.

I'm totally building one of those when I get a house!

Any 80s 2 door 4wd suv (Ramcharger, Bronco, Blazer, and Jimmy). Give it a rough paint job, some of those cheap knobby all-terrIn tires they always seem to get, and they seem to develop a certain "don't give a crap" attitude that screams cool in a wierd sort of way.

The straight 6 is incredible. My uncle had one in his F150, and he drive it to the junkyard with a cracked frame (from rust, IIRC) with well over 500k on it. Fired right up every time. I think it burned a little oil near the end of it's life, but that was it.

Bethesda or Tri-Ace. I loves me some Star Ocean. I think I had as much time logged in Star Ocean 2 as I did Morrowind.

True. I just assumed no one would be willing to sacrifice the entire machine to take someone out. However, I can think of a few times where it would have been worth it.

You know what mice do better than touchpads? Ranged attacks. I can't throw my touchpad at you very easily, but I can chuck my G700 at your head with no issues. I can even pull out my MX510 and come in for the kill if you really said something dumb. The worst a touchpad can do is give you a headache.

OMG NOOOO! That new case is so fat and ugly, I can't stand to look at it!

So I can keep dreaming of the day the local air base scrambles an A-10 to take out the dork who just blew by me doing 20 over and passing in a no-passing zone?

#1 walks in to work that morning:

Re 1) I love doing that. Ever since BF2 came out, every vehicle I ride in gets the C4 treatment. That way when my friends call for a Jihad Jeep, I'm ready to go.

Is it too late for his Mom to get an abortion? If yes, perhaps we can mail him to Abu-Dhabi?

I spent 5 minutes trying to think of a joke about the Apple guy being sauced, but now I just want some potato pancakes.