
It didn't blow up :(

RE1: Concerned that you don't have enough cash for pensions for existing employees? STOP GIVING IT ALL AWAY JUST BECAUSE YOU HAD A GOOD YEAR! Profit sharing is good and all, but not at the expense of maintaining a comfortable financial cushion.

Wow. I never realized that owning a Mustang would make your friends think you like it in the "backseat", make your wife think you are a pedophile, and make other people think you do Asian chicks. Must be rough.

I think my mind is broke. I keep reading it as "herrafrush"

For some reason, every time I read stories about driving in NYC, I get the impression that prepping a vehicle for parking there would be a lot like prepping one for a trip through Moab. Plate steel bumpers and an exo-cage for protection, and some supplies in case you get stuck out in the middle of nowhere.

RE #1. totally agreed! I drive a truck, and get that crap on occasion. I don't really have a need for one. I just enjoy trucks. There is just something about having a lot of body roll and horrible weight distribution that makes them fun to drive. Add in a good amount of power, and things get interesting. Don't get me

I've thought about it, but it's rare that I am any where near an Apple store. Rather than get it fixed, I just put a Windows ME background on it and tell myself it could be worse.

Never heard a complaint. Glad I can help change that! My iPad loves to crash to "desktop" from several apps, especially from the browser. Using the keyboard seems to be the biggest cause. In some cases it's crashing every 5-10 minutes. WebOS and Android have been far more reliable (my touchpad runs both). I still

Between this and the Corvette ad about America still building rockets, I think GM is doing great with its ads. Any plans on a follow-up ad comparing the Camaro to the Mustang?

I've always disliked the NFL, but this seals it. It's nothing more then a bunch of men in spandex running around playing grab-ass while trying to get a ball. From here on out, I'm boycotting the sport until the Tigers make it to the Superbowl again.

Dear Lil' Red (1998 Dakota),

I can't go into much detail, but it was a strange name that wouldn't ever normally be associated with porn. It was just a high traffic address due to the amount of people paying to use our services.

I agree that it's similar. Straight on it looks a lot like candy red, but picks up all sorts of other similar colors as your viewing angle changes. It just lacks the depth that candy paints have. It is certainly an interesting color (I'm also a bit partial to it).

Could be worse. The last time one of our domains forgot to be renewed, a porn site bought it up right away. The problem was, paying customers used that address to access our services. That made for a fun day....

I bought it somewhere. I forget where, though. I'd imagine any place that sells BBQ supplies probably has them.

Congrats! To celebrate, here's a bird with a can up it's ass. I smoked it myself. Enjoy!

I wonder how much I can get from Dodge due to the "panty-dropping aura" being non-functional on my Ram. I was told it had an effective range of 25 feet, and have yet to see it work. This has severely damaged my confidence and had led to me being depressed and lonely on Friday nights multiple times.

*googles Quinton Jackson*

Go ask a Chinese company about business ethics and copyright laws. In case you are confused about the look you are getting from them, go talk to a cat about the laws of thermodynamics. The reaction should be about the same.

That reminds me of when I was shopping for my last vehicle. I had the choice of orange or red. I was thinking how "cool" it would be to get an orange one decked out with General Lee decals and get a dixie horn installed (all just for the LOLs. My friends think I'm a redneck, so I thought I'd humor them).