Not dumb by any means. He was smart enough to get himself shot! I just wish more car thieves did that.
Not dumb by any means. He was smart enough to get himself shot! I just wish more car thieves did that.
Heart click for that. Though not an actual theft, I think you deserve an honorable mention for the ballsiest response.
looks like MSNBC decided to not show it. Fox played it late.
Not complaining, but if you are going to compare a Jag to Kate Winslet's ass, you should show a picture of said ass for comparative purposes.
I agree with you on this. It'll have great performance, can go a lot of places their cars cannot, and you can stack the bad guys like firewood in the bed once you run them all down. It may not corner like a normal cruiser, but it'll be able to handle a lot of other jobs easily.
Trust me, I had the smarts and the respects. Just trollin...
Can't read. Too busy trolling.
Good joke. Looks like I forgot the trolololo tag...
This made my day! If only they would of kept shooting! Stupid dirty hippies!
Needs moar howling wolves, or perhaps a tiger.
I need that engine in my truck.
Think we could get an article on using Facebook for parents? I'm getting tired of telling my Mom that my Bachelors degree didn't include a course on using Facebook.
Wait a do you have a picture of my desk?
Just bought the 46" Panasonic plasma. My Mom's gonna be surprised when her old CRT tv is gone tonight...
Wanna know why we don't have this anymore? Chuck Norris.
The plate is fun, but I'm more concerned about the badge in the grill. It looks like a dog trying to hitch hike. Maybe it's just me, or the picture is a bad angle, but I think having a badge that says "This car is so bad, even a dog would rather try his luck with strangers than ride in it" is kind of a bad thing.
Oh snap! She done her job good, and they be all up in her bidness over it.
Traction control that can't be fully disabled. I'm looking at you, Ram. You give me a button to turn it off. The "You're probably gonna die" light even turns on. But as soon as I start to have a little fun, you step in and assume I don't know what I'm doing. If you think I'm doing something REALLY crazy, YOU TURN OFF…