I just checked, and it's perfectly centered on my HP Touchpad.
I just checked, and it's perfectly centered on my HP Touchpad.
That all BMW owners are douche bags.
Totally #COTD in my book!
Perhaps those specializing in ground-based car racing should avoid flying. As racers, they should know how bad it gets one all of your tires leave the ground. Why purposely put yourself into that situation?
Because one gets them tech toys, and one gets them drunk women in slutty outfits to stare at. Either way they are happy.
Speaking of famous bowls, has anyone else had the new one that's covered in bacon? I'm told if you eat one in the back of a lifted Ford while holding a Colt 1911 and drinking a Budweiser, a bald eagle will explode out of your chest!
This is why I say my truck's nuclear powered and drive away really fast when I get asked for a jump.
Would you like fries with that?
Not bad, overall. Would I buy it? No. Would I cruise it till the wheels fell off, picking up bitches and crack till I died of exhaustion? Maybe.
I always laugh when I see the Big beaver Rd. exit. For me, it's Metro Detroit's way of saying "Sorry you had to drive 5 hours south and rejoin society. Here's a good laugh to finish your trip".
I'm fat. I admit it. I decided I wanted to be less fat, and have dropped 32 pounds since March. I've got a long way to go, but it's a start.
Is butt dialing a major issue for the inmates, or does the crappy reception prevent this?
I prefer to believe that they are insanely fast, and the reason I don't see any is because they all hit 88mph and are somewhere in the past terrorizing dinosaurs. Please don't let reality tarnish this. My mind simply cannot handle one of my favorite cars being anything but perfect.
I'm not saying it's a bad vehicle. I'm sure it does what it was designed to do very well. I just meant that you'd expect something that looks that good to have the performance to back it up. A Mazdaspeed version should be interesting.
I knew I should have submitted the Ram R/T. Motor Trend rated it as having a 5.7 0-60 speed, and a quarter mile speed of 14.4. However, guys are getting them to 60 in the lower 5s and running the 1/4 mile in the upper 13s completely stock. The performance is surprising. Just ask some of the local Corvette and Mustang…
This car is like picking up a hot chick at a bar only to find out she's a dude. It may look great on the outside, but what's underneath is cause for disappointment (unless you're into that sort of thing).
Meh. I pre-ordered a copy for the pc, and will pick it up eventually. My excitement level currently hovers around that of dentist appointment. Maybe it'll improve once I play it.