This is one way Detroit wins. Kinda.
This is one way Detroit wins. Kinda.
@KeyserSöze: Agreed. BARF.
@JoanneBaby: That's exactly what I was thinking of when I made my post! I just can't get to youtube from work to find the videos. Thanks for sharing!
It looks like a Lamborghini and moves like a Lamborghini, but can it catch fire like a Lamborghini?
Pfft. Anyone can make a lawnmower go fast. It takes real talent to make a fast car cut lawns.
@MacAttack: You were strapped into a shuttle full of explosive fuel, had your butt lit on fire, and shot up into orbit where you can float around in zero gravity and enjoy a view of the cosmos most people will never get to experience. After that, normal things just seem bland.
So they are adding ugly and anti-lightness to go along with hippy eco-tech?
@Woozle Wozzle: Would you prefer hung? Set on fire? Torn to pieces? Fed to angry dogs?
@SpikeJnZ - Ninja For Hire: Sign me up for a couple flamethrowers!
Yo dog, I heard you like to dream, so I put dreams in your dreams so you can dream while you dream.
Someone really needs to murder this kid to death. The world would be much better without him.
Galaxy S phones FTMFW!
@fullcircle: Open a window and look outside?
Gran Turismo 5 = The reason I'm buying a PS3 this November.
@MasterYong: Darn right!
All this talk of sustainability and eco-friendliness makes me want to club a baby seal with an ivory tusk.
@speedyweber: 200mph, 3 cars wide, for 10 miles? Sounds like a normal daily commute through Metro Detroit.
Note to self: Don't complain about changing my own oil. At least I'll know what goes in, what comes out, and only have myself to blame.