
I’m really worried this boat trip is going to be a big distraction for him heading into his playoff game. A bunch of reporters should ask him about it repeatedly.

Uh...these sound fine

And by the time next season starts, he’ll be 40 years old.

Meriweather: Mr. Belichick, the bartender was hoping he could get paid now.

Whether Stuttgart are back and performing well in the Bundesliga in a year or two, and whether the goals of Green are a key part in getting them there, is now a matter to a large extent in Green’s own hands.

You’re in the future, buddy. So what’s 2016 like? I bet it’s pretty rad.

Nick Saban has responded by spending 20 minutes silently assembling a rifle in front of his players while wearing a T-Shirt that reads “FUCKING TRY IT.”

i am big fan of this team and these player. we have a similar player here named nemanja visidic who dunks high like this. i had the pleasure of watching two women pleasure him with their holes after a euroleague game in khimki.

Good Lord Jeff, no one’s going to think you went to Amherst.

Which one of the players went to class? (Rim shot)

LOL Allen Fucking Cumming being a bigger start than MARY GODDAMN POPPINS.

I knew about him attending that tournament, but I never knew the part about the wife-murdering. That’s surprising to me.

I’m Jon Hamm

My wife and I were in VA Beach for a wedding. At the time she was 7 mos preggo. There was a golf tournament in town and some of the tour people were staying at our hotel. Long story short; We were entering the hotel and Earl Woods was in front of us. He let the heavy door slam in my wife’s face. He knew she was

Wait, who said this was Westworld’s big twist? I don’t even think it was top 5 in terms of big twists. In order of things that I think were a bigger twist:

Aren’t we all?

Look at John D. Rockefeller over here bragging about his bottles.

Wine comes in a bottle?

but the changes to the smaller one — which is sold mainly in Britain at the discount retailer Poundland

No one hates the Cubs more than I do, but christ, just let them have their fun for another day before going on seemingly pointless rants about how they may or may not end up like Boston fans. As Barry said, they get until their parade and then they can go fuck themselves (paraphrasing).