
The Lord grooveth, and the Lord taketh away.

My dude, 5his is not how you debate. Bad Kinja! Bad!

The omission of skateboarding as a top video game sport is criminal. The Tony Hawk games are so good they've completely ruined watching actual skateboarding for me.


I didn’t know you were changing your name, Hamilton, but I support you.


Burke you've been to the Backer? In a reporting capacity? God rest your soul. I wouldn't go near that place sober if I had a gun to my head.

Y’all should fight.

I did this exact same thing in middle school. And now I’m an accountant.

Ah shit, Rich, you used your HamNo card too early in the year. Now you don’t get to write another piece like this until 2017!

All I know is that Mike Pence is definitely the one singing “Keep it Gay.”

This is by far the best list ever produced by this site. Denton should take this page to his next court hearing as evidence of Deadspin’s value to Gawker Media.

Go do it. Seriously, go complete a 360 dunk on someone. I’ll let you use an 8 foot rim. Hell, I’ll volunteer to stand there and pretend to play defense. And after you complete it (DOUBTFUL), we’ll go frolic in parks and green spaces while we try to find other joys to bring into your life.

Serious question- if a Good Bear completes a Pool Dunk, does Deadspin explode? Should the potential buyers of Gawker Media be notified of this possibility?

I used to play in the Panhandle in San Francisco. One of the court’s unwritten rules stuck with me: If you say “And 1!” while attempting a shot, the shot does not count (even if you make it) and your teams checks the ball at the top of the key.

I think that the Basketball GOAT discussion is going to quickly become “Which era of SNL was best?” And we will all have different answers based on when we grew up.

Sure, he had a pretty shitty career. But he also averaged like 3,000 BPG (that’s Breaths Per Game), which is more than you can say about Len Bias.

You need more joy in your life.

“Hey Ayesha, babe, did you see this? This guy on Deadspin says that we are choking shi-”

If Gordon Hayward’s half-court heave to beat Duke had banked in, there would be no need for a discussion.