
Hello, yes may I please have the salmon, cooked medi-

Oh shit nice response Jamal. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for Chris Chandler's twitter lashings

The Big Miss was the only mistress Tiger was able to silence with cake

Let he who is without sin cast the first wounded duck - John 8:7

"That throw was a real pooper" - Matt

Well, I guess she's gonna do some remodElin'...

"This is a letdown"

The doctor was heard muttering "I want my Baby back Baby back Baby back I want my Baby back Baby back Baby back"

1:20-1:35 of the video - Rome is Flaming

"Wait, so you're telling me I can watch a chest move in slow motion on Deadspin today?"

"Well, I'm aroused"

Lubert's the ex-Penn State wrestler

"Alright, alright, alright"

Unfortunately for Castro, the alleged assault took place in October, a month for which he will never have an alibi

Not Pictured: Chris Hansen at the party with a wine cooler

The third judge, who many claim appeared to float as though winged, gave Khan the win. However, his scorecard was unreadable

"the Communist Bloc of Stalin will never take Rome!"

"This article is 13 years old"


I believe Lisa Lovelace was also fired for not being able to contain 6 men