

Patrick Fischler is probably THE perfect person to play this role. Unfortunately, I will never be able to think of him as anything else, whether it be in future projects or when he pops up in reruns.

I watched the entire video. As much as I love this list every year, I rarely make it through anything past the 90-second mark.

I have an irrational love of Papa Gino’s pizza, particularly the sauce. I ALWAYS oversell it to people from out of town. Fuck it, I’ll eat theirs, too.

I concur. I had avoided it since college in the mid-90s, when my roommate worked there and would bring it home free after his shift. Had it about three weeks ago, and willingly ate a third slice.

Fellow UNH alum. Also not surprised by this.

And, it’s a shot at Ike Turner. A dude who looks like Tom Petty went at Ike Turner. That is awesome in a career of awesome.

I have no idea why Puffy never sampled it. Seems way too obvious.

I only saw him once, in 1990 on the Full Moon Fever tour, when I was a sophomore in high school. He had a young upstart named Lenny Kravitz opening for him. The show was really, really good.

Cunninglynguists have a new one on the 6th as well, and I’m eagerly awaiting that.

The Torii Wolf full length finally came out, and so that will be on repeat for a while.

I feel like I should like this album more than I do. It’s certainly not bad - in fact it’s very good. But it just misses me somehow. I put that more on me than him.

I did see them play one of the new songs live over the summer. It didn’t seem to stick out to me as anything special, but it sounds like this isn’t a record to necessarily pull songs from out of context (a cohesive album? What?).

I stumbled on this on Google Play, and midway through I definitely had the comparison to Elliott Smith in my head. Nice to know I wasn’t alone.

I’d say manager Lou Brown is low-key punk. That’s a more interesting question.

Today it was the new Apathy/OC record “Perestroika”, and I’ve started my way through Rapsody’s new one, which I’ll finish on a commute tomorrow.

I had “Miss Me” on a steady loop for a couple of days last week.

The science teacher on my teaching team shows October Sky every year before they launch rockets, and I usually end up watching it. I looked past that when it released, but that’s a pretty strong film, I think, in large part to his performance.

I knew nothing about Leikeli47, but gave it a shot and it’s pretty good. In the vein of MIA, but a better rapper, though not nearly as political.

For me, Foo Fighters are the comfort food of rock. Sure, I’ll spend some time seeking out newer and edgier fare, but I have a hard time turning down a good ol’ cheeseburger.