
It’s referring to the outfielders after a win. YouTube it for context.

Goddamn, this hits the nail on the head (fellow male teacher, but we’ve clearly never been to the same conference, since there can’t be two of us in the same room together).

You’re not kidding - I legitimately didn’t give a shit about jeans for years and wore Old Navy because they were cheap. I “splurged” on a pair of 541s and hated all of my previous life decisions. I now have 4.

You’re not kidding - I legitimately didn’t give a shit about jeans for years and wore Old Navy because they were

I was more distracted by Not Flea on the bass. What a fucking disaster.

He was also the pre-race entertainment at the Las Vegas Marathon back in November. I enjoyed it, but there were lots of families there, and I get the sense that the organizers heard a lot of complaints about it, based on their emails about what they will “fix” next year.

Luckily, my senator is Warren, so I know she’s got my back.

True - I’m in year 11, and I still love my job, which is why this DeVos bullshit angers me so much. I’m getting my doctorate to go into educator prep, but if this fuckery keeps up, I’m not going to find any people who want to be teachers for me to prep.

As a teacher in a school district that voted for the current PEOTUS by a pretty good margin (I did not, because don’t live there), I can tell you that even those teachers think that teachers having guns is a terrible idea. In fact, I’ve been to national conferences and have not found a single teacher who thinks that

I usually point people to the end of the Mark Harmon classic, “Summer School”, to explain the difference. I’m on the Growth side of the argument, myself.

But see, the constant practice testing is the problem. I don’t even mention the test in my classes (7th and 8th grade math) until after we get back from Christmas. I structure some of the assignments to look like the test items, but I don’t call attention to it. Then, when the “practice” starts in February/March, it’s

I’ve made mention of this elsewhere, but...

Apollo Brown & Skyzoo was my album of the year.

I don’t agree with Felger’s take.

This is pretty much how I have felt about him as well. I did actually vote for him over Bush in the 2000 primaries - as an Unenrolled I took a GOP ballot for that very reason. But that guy and the one that gave us Palin seem to be such different creatures, looking back.

This is the greatest one I think I’ve ever seen. Thank you.

Drake got fucked up.

I actually watched the special *before* I heard about her death. It actually made hearing the news worse.

Sara Mae Berman spoke last month at my local running club’s meeting - it seems unfathomable that there were medical professionals touting that women could not handle running a full mile as recent as the 50s. Her story was incredible.

I’ll go with:

I’m part of a local running club, and they were given 11 waivers for members to run without qualifying. They took applications for 10 of them, and then raffled off the 11th for the people who applied and didn’t get picked. I had a 9% chance of winning - and won. Thrilling and terrifying at the same time.