A HANS device and full roll cage doesn’t meet FMVSS standards...
A HANS device and full roll cage doesn’t meet FMVSS standards...
My wife and I took MB during our pre-marital counseling period and literally scored opposite on all four measures. The priest said he’d never seen that and looked somewhat concerned. We’ve been married 25 years.
I don’t doubt that people who put straight pipes on their shit and do crackle tunes or whatever have some kind of genuine personality disorder, but I’m not going to just ignore that a study is flawed just so I can allow it to confirm my pre-existing bias, Mr. Internet.
Honestly if it’s both squatted and rolling coal, they should keep the driver in it when they crush the truck. That person has such disregard for the well-being of everyone around them that they are a burden to society and have done enough damage as it is.
Aren’t all personality tests complete shit anyways? I remember when Myers-Briggs was all the rage and everyone was putting “INTJ” at the top of their tumblr profiles, and recently some psychologists said that test was about as useful as a horoscope.
These numbers are strong today, so 15 years ago they were pretty much out of this world.
Haven’t we already done the “dude from Nazareth gets big mad about commerce in a public space” thing?
Greedy idiots. He was actually willing to pay their BS ticket, but then they decided to see how much more they could shake out of his pockets.
Anytime a reduction in force happens to be an incredibly round number, like 10% of employees, it’s a great indicator that it’s not the result of careful analysis identifying redundant/unnecessary jobs to eliminate, but more of a knee jerk process of trying to keep investors happy. And whenever that’s the way you run…
But no range anxiety, smaller battery = less weight, which all translates to more fun and less tyre wear (and less road wear).
Paying insurance on multiple vehicles when I can only drive one at a time.
Embedded in the carbon fiber rear wing of a salt flat car.
Way back when I got to something $383 for a $25k minivan. It was really nice to pay that damn thing off (still have the van). I’ve been under $200 for all my other loans.
It’s one of the things I hate about visiting family on the west coast. They all live in various rural mountain/woodsy areas and I am constantly getting tailgated for not hitting some blind corner doing 60. I don’t consider myself a slow driver in most cases, but I know that when I’m on an unfamiliar backroad those…
I bet he doesn’t go to a library to use a computer. He probably payed for a depreciating laptop that will be worth almost nothing when he’s done. Don’t be a sucker, get a library card and do all your computer/internet stuff there.