I am neither extreme. I honk when needed
I am neither extreme. I honk when needed
Torque and entitlement are a bad combination.
Nobody did em as good as Jim
This is what equality looks like. There was a time when of course this would have been a boy. But the strides we have made. Brings a tear to my eye.
The other problem is finding repair shops that will repair to sub-micron tolerances.
The question is backwards. In general, the less power you have, the more gears (speeds) you need. If an engine was very powerful, it could get by with one gear.
It seems the downsizing is being handled humanely, at least, with “partial or early retirement” covering the sum total of the layoffs. Can you imagine having that kind of safety net?
I still chuckle that Fain and the UAW thought this new deal with the Big 3 was going to finally help it make inroads into the Japanese/Euro automakers.
It looked like Wayne Brady did have to choke a bitch!
I don’t understand why we keep adding nannies instead of enforcing and increasing the penalties for laws that already exist. Increase driver training requirements, increase fines, decrease number of second chances, etc.
A union would sweden their work conditions; right now, there’s norway they can work as-is. In order to finnish this, they need to agree on basic conditions, denmark the terms they will flex a bit on.
lol, funny story, one day I was sitting at a light and some guy in a white Ford Taurus blows past the stop bar and stops right in the cross walk. I decided to yell out the window “you fucking ran the stop bar; you might as well run the fucking light” and... damn if they didn’t do just that...
On top of that, they don’t even accelerate at a reasonable pace, they always seem to take off as slow as possible!
I’m a scientist, so I have some experience in doing things that are hard. Tackling hard problems is how we make progress.
Somebody in front of me puts on their turn signal but then lazily uses only half of the turn lane to make the corner, leaving the other half of the car in the lane that goes straight thru. There’s no point in having a turn lane if you don’t get your car out of traffic going straight!
If anything embodies the selfish, casual ignorance of the American driver, it is failure to use turn signals. For the safety of everyone on the road, please indicate when and where you are planning to move your 2-ton vehicle. It is possibly the easiest and most overlooked task of driving.
Driving without headlights on. I live in Vermont, it’s mostly gray, dreary, and earth-toned in the atmosphere. As both a driver and frequent pedestrian, simply having headlights illuminated even in relatively clear conditions makes a world of difference. And it’s so easy to do! Just turn the knob after you start the…
No blinky blink when you are doing the turny turn or the lane change. I just want to know where you are going, so I know not to go there or be able to go around you.
it’s easy to put too much blinker fluid in