Around here (St. Louis), it seems like it’s either a full-size, crew-cab pickup truck or a clapped out Asian sedan rocking expired temporary tags.
Around here (St. Louis), it seems like it’s either a full-size, crew-cab pickup truck or a clapped out Asian sedan rocking expired temporary tags.
Everyone seems to have sleeves today that I probably wouldn’t have noticed anything off either, so you’re not the only one who doesn’t care enough to analyze tattoos. That said, I guess I’m sorta glad these things get sensationalized a bit because I wouldn’t have picked up the meaning either even if I did notice this…
I would like to state for the record that I hate Illinois Nazis.
Hell, I didn’t even remember the guy had tattoos. Did I even notice it when I was watching? I guess the people putting these episodes together should be paying attention to this kind of thing, but it surprises me none that a number of people would have missed it. Especially if they’re young and haven’t experienced any…
This whole argument is really weird, y’all. It’s not normal human behavior to scrutinize someone’s tattoos when you first meet them, and it’s not a massive leap to think that you might have met someone with something awful tattooed on them that you just didn’t catch. It’s also not the hosts’ jobs to scrutinize these…
Note: it’s always the most inbred looking mutant chuds claim to be part of a “master race”
I have a bunch of tattoos and I often don’t look at other people’s tattoos in detail. There’s times that it’s a good conversation piece, but there’s also times where I simply don’t care and don’t want to be looking all over the body of the person I’m talking to. Looks like you now get to deal with the horde of adults…
I wouldn’t make the jump to assume that the show’s hosts share or endorse this guy’s beliefs, but I do find it odd that in the time they spent with him, they’d not notice the tattoos and say something to the producers. Further, it strains credulity that nobody on the crew noticed literal Nazi SS tattoos during…
You need to get your shit straight, amigo.
I said this before the merger and I’ll say it again... top execs do mergers like this so they can get their golden parachutes OR have a larger company in the end which is used to justify a larger compensation package.
With your skills you are incapable of failing upwards like a decent CEO does.
With Texas gas tax being $0.20 this would be equivalent to 1000 gallons of gas use per year.
High school never ends, does it?
I cannot think of a better way to get clipped by a car. I keep watching it and he is lucky as hell.
Hank Arron Foratow
Sounds like a discerning and wise connoisseur of fine automobiles.
Counterpoint or just a tangent, HOV lanes cause traffic to back up in other lanes, meaning more idling, so cars spend more time spewing emissions, wasting gas and promoting road rage, all while there has been little to no effect on people actually car pooling. It’s not even a good source of revenue, as it’s not well…
Here’s the thing, Nissan was pretty successful with the first generation Titan; at least they were when it was still pretty fresh. The problem here was that they let the first gen linger too long, and then the second gen just wasn’t good enough. I mean, yeah, it’s hard to go up against the big three, but like most…
I mean, the EPA can’t do shit about the FuelShark, because the FuelShark doesn’t do shit in the first place.