
It’s a Shilling article. He drove with his high beams on because he didn’t want to change a bulb, and then got absolutely hosed by the Honda dealer upselling him on crap he didn’t need. I wouldn’t overthink it.

Thank you for pointing out the sheer stupidity of the author's statement. 

and it is a mystery to me who, exactly, wants a PHEV Jeep in America.”

We have a Mercedes GLC300, and concur I don’t like the door-mounted controls.  Just feels like showing off for something that is more difficult to use...which seems to be an overall car-design theme that is so hot right now anyway.

Better than sitting in a cubicle 40 hours a week.

This guy, man... his bad luck is matched only by his super-human drive & will to achieve. God bless him.

You really get to know a fellow riding nut to butt for nearly 400 miles.

How did everyone’s mind not go right here. It’s even the LAPD... again

From my understanding the fireworks were hauled away in normal box trucks. In addition to standard fireworks this piece of shit also had an additional 40 IED’s in his possession.

From the WAPO:

We have contrasting definitions of what “totally different” means.

Top post on bronco forum

You are correct. Pavement design is an extremely regional process. Those Texas roads that generally survive the high heat turn into an ice rink under a dusting of snow. That’s also why the midwest has the worst roads, they get everything from subzero blizzards with salt damage to 100° humid summers, so there’s often a

the beauty is that they can make the battery pack any shape they want. so yeah part of the pack where the engine is, but there’s also a boatload of room where the tunnel is too... not to mention if they were to remove the shifter assembly and all, make the tunnel taller, they should be able to cram a decent amount of

Hopefully that’s changing. I run a construction business in a rural area and when the talk on the jobsite turns to EVs, especially the upcoming trucks, people lament the loss of noise and smoke but seem excited at the possibilities with all that torque down low. Four wheel burnouts make plenty of smoke and noise, and

Miata errr MX-5

So I work in one of the big three, Domestic means brand you work for, all the big three have this, if you have a foreign brand you have to park in a different area, is not because is american or not. I mean if you a Spark built in Latam you can park in the GM spots.

I can read what the ticket says, and I’m not discounting that, but GM lots - like most at other Detroit 3 OEMs - are typically broken into “GM” and “competitive” lots.

Drive an American car that isn’t a GM brand, and park it in a “GM lot?” That’s a paddlin’. 

I did *really* want to try parking a NV200 next to a City

as American as Apple Pie-flavored vape juice and baseball steroids.

This is more like “Justine”, her ugly cousin twice removed.