
All that money in education and still this retard can't hold a camera right.

Fuck you horrible drives, just another bullshit feature that nobody needs but must have because of the few of us that give zero fucks or effort in perfecting their driving skills.

Of course you do, it would be unpatriotic if you felt otherwise.

This one.

If there is such a thing as holding a gun the lazy way this would be it.

This movie looks totally bananas, I went ape shit over this preview. I just wanted to throw my shit at my TV, no not random objects but shit real shit at my TV I was so excited.

So are you basically telling me too fuck off or go fuck myself.

I think I am about too shit myself, Firefly and Dr Who are gone. I thought for sure one of those would have won.

Try that in NYC and escalation between people will go from misdemeanor to a felony quick. We have no sense of any sort of order it's a dog eat dog world using public transportation in NYC. Every single subway stop every single one. When the train pulls into the station, the people on the platform never wait for

Thank you the one with the kid with the shirt, I can't stop laughing I will defiantly use this as an avatar picture someday. And the desk, a kids desk in black.

Seriously thou my grandfather was one of the first to die in Auschwitz.

How do Germans tie their shoes.

That reminds me of this incident once. A black bartender was showing pictures of his baby. One of the waitresses she was white was like "He is so cute like a little monkey". We all knew she did not mean it that way, but me and a friend of mine had walk out to laugh it off. Too me unintentional social faux pas are

Isn't that a European thing I rarely see a lot of Americans do it. My parents and family are from Europe and some of them do it and when I traveled there I noticed people pointing with that finger.


Exactly, just move over and I also drive a manual. If I move over and people I high beam do as well then everybody should do it. Just the left lane everybody can have every single lane to the right of the left lane, they can pull over and have a picnic in the right lane just leave the left lane open that's all I ask

It okay I know it's an ugly world, just too be clear it's the break checkers that piss me off the most. There is nothing I can do to left lane hogs but go around someone if they are going the speed limit fuck it what ever I just keep it moving. But if they want to break check me then I have an issue I don't tolerate

First off read my post I never said I get mad at people going faster than me while trying and pass me. No I always move over always.

Question, I want too put adjustable dif front and back on my MK4 R32. Is it worth it, does it make a big difference.

So you are fine with getting bullied, because when someone forces their will upon you it's called getting bullied. And there is nothing more in this world that I hate more than bullies. They are forcing you to drives as fast as they are comfortable with which is bullshit. It's a passing lane that's what it should be