
Too many to's can drive you too drink two drinks at a time.

The guy tailgating is a fucken asshole. The reason you pulled up next too her was too give her the one finger salute, okay you made you point now hurry up and pass fuck face.

If the e36 wins all of you suck.

There she is.

Valid point, although I wish over weight people would stop wearing spandex and lycra when it comes to cos play.

The video is funny, reporters are such pussies making mountains out of mole hills.

I know friends that drink that shit, it's like people who buy pot and coke at the same time it's like make up your mind fast or slow.

Then you can drink all the 5 Hour Energy you want, until the other study comes out that says your baby maker might fall out if you drink too much 5HE.

I can't wait until they come out with a study that says 5 hour energy gives you dick cancer.

Really from a group that throws drinks and spits on the audience when they perform. They made two good albums 36 Chambers of Death and Only Built for Cuban Links thats it. The problem was they were talented and also grimy at the same time. ODB was a crack customer when they were selling crack.

Because he is the chairman of the board.

I was thinking just sodomized her with a broken beer bottle.

I suspect all that heat from braking softened up the metal enough too compromise it. He might be using a no name knock off rim that uses inferior metals in their products.

I have never watched it, I just can't get around that music I guess it's a culture thing to them it's cool to someone like me I find it odd.

I am such an asshole, had a great one and blew it like a cheap $5 crack whore with a speech impediment.

True lines.

True lines.

LAH was the worst movie ever, that was the pinnacle of why movies in the nineties were so over the top corny. I know it was satire but it just sucked donkey dicks. The nineties were not good to Arnold or Sly.

All of it, that is the reason I get turned off by anime you have all this bad ass shit going on but for some reason they throw in cheesy songs at the end or middle. It sounds so corny and does not fit the theme. It's like the Avengers playing Minnie Riperton "Loving You" at the end, that is what every song in every

Florida loves black lesbian moms giving massages while smoking cigarets way too go Florida.