
How about the Swiss army knife, Recola and SwissMiss.

And this cum dumpster is allowed to get a drivers license great.

Thank you, 100% coincidence and the rest of this blog.

That cat looks like like it's waiting for the sweat release of death. It wants to commit suicide but is trapped inside so wandering in front of traffic is not an option. I hope the poor cat does not have too lick peanut butter off his balls, which might be a strong possibility.

I wear one because I was taught every gentleman should own at least one.

What, sorry I was looking at all these cool cases that they make for the iPhone. What was your question again.

So disappointed, I thought they were going to cut the fucker open. Not use an MRI to see on the inside.

It looked like water. It wasn't.

I will end this right now, all fox body mustangs become rattle boxes. I knew a couple of guys who owned fox bodied Mustangs. So if this was a beat off the Mustang should have won because compared to the Merc it was the poorest build quality of any car in production those year the Fox body was being built.

They still put prizes in them, I think the only prize you get today is diabetes.

This man does not approve of this.

On a scale from 1-10, 10 being hot and 1 not I would say this is about a 3, I thought girl or boy pop groups should have some sex appeal or something like that. Is this groups main fan base like ten or something is that what it is.

This group really helped me out with my dyslexia you should Google them.

Fix it.

Sorry Top Gun is soft core gay porn, did not realize this until much older. When I was young I was mesmerized by the jets and did not notice the strong gay undertones in the film.

Did I just se three people exit the Lambo or am I on drugs.

The third break light, this is part of the reason other countries hate importing certain cars because of this.

I got your mouse pointer right here.

I am sorry Mr. Bald Eagle can't hear your screams of terror over my machine gun fire.

I just love foreigners trying to sound like us.