
Should read

I heard this was a real wild turkey shoot.

Let me see what do I want at 150k a Viper or a Porsche GT3. Seriously you know what car wins all the time, even with the fiery engine recall they still sold out. A Z01 Vette cost 30k less and you get more Vette, what does the Viper offer besides two extra cylinders. I think Viper came late to the party, they

I thought that lamb brains tasted like lamb, sorry but I have not eaten brains in my life so I would not know but thanks good too know. My parents were FOB(fresh off the boat) and every year they roasted the whole lamb. I would see people pick the eyes out and eat it, the testicals. That shit scared me for life, every

These guys have no clue what walking dead is. I am not an uber fan but still get your shit straight people.

Come on do you really think he is that good, every movie after Face Off he is basically the same character except toned down or revved up depending on the movie.

Oh this explains why I am such a cunt when someone awakens me for no good reason while I am asleep and dreaming.

Nic Cage is a fucken mush, every movie he touches turns too shit. Maybe his style of acting was cool in the 90's, but today is sorrily out dated.

Let's get this out of the way, 360 owner here. Have not upgraded because I see no need too yet.

They do it's for people who own 10 acres or more of land. You don't want to mowing all day long that's a lot of ground too cover.

Got a question about the Daytona, since buying an original cost a boat load of money. Would it be foolish too purchase a replica. I mean if someone wanted too live the dream but can't afford hundreds of thousands of dollars for their dreams too come true. I know it's not the original, but is there a place that would

Because it sounds like a riding lawn mower with an aftermarket exhaust.

But compared too what these guys are doing. I know it's dumb and hard too sit through but in the end what they put together is cool.

Now playing

These guys are annoying, but they make a mean lasagna.


They could put goat balls in it as well and the fans will still gobble it up.

Billohmee first off thanks and you have a cool name, I did not notice it last night but I did chuckle once it hit me. Just use a plastic handled one don't be a sadist and use the one with a wooden handle.

Or he can go to the blind persons room and put a plunger in the toilet and then leave it in there.

Olive garden really is the worst, the only thing that's Italian in OG are the people who work/patronize the establishment. Any corner pizzeria in NYC makes better Italian food than OG.

This big guy is looking for you