I don't have a uterus but stay out of it anyway.
I don't have a uterus but stay out of it anyway.
Mental anguish fuck you scumbag, please we are so pathetic as a species. I have gotten over some horrific moments in my life time it has never held me back. Some people are so over dramatic if this is going too effect him the rest of his life might as well kill himself right. Because who would want too live with this…
As a bachelor for life I can say that my car of choice is anything with two doors and two seats. I don't need to haul groceries, pick up the kids from soccer practice. If I need to haul or move stuff I can rent those types of vehicles.
The guy on the right looks chopped, the guy doing the Michael Jackson impersonation not really. I hope the guy on the right is really high it's hard too tell.
You had me at fuck face. I love that and douche face is my other favorite.
What does PE stand for Purely Entitled. Sorry the joke was right there I had too.
Just the thought of that, is followed by the thoughts of the SBD farts that will follow and then the sick shit I will be taking later on.
Her name was Som Ting Wong.
I think so, remember that's the Oscars that is like the Super Bowl. They got too pull all stops, as long as the product goes out there. Brands pay celebrities too wear or use there product all the time, that's how some subpar product lines get popular.
They give you a bunch of products too try out, you become a walking billboard. Usually they are for celebrities to try new products. There was a lady that had collected swag for six years, she decided to take all the jewelry that she got for free and sell it. She made 5k, I have worked as a privet driver and seen some…
Am I blind because the only difference I see is that the Xbox is darker than the PC. I think they both look the similar it's just Xbox looks darker compared to the much brighter and crisper PC version. Does that little of a difference bother people that much really.
Actually it's purple. And as a kid we used too climb on that bridge.
I can drive until my gas tank is almost empty roughly 250 miles with out a stop. I have done about 400 with out stopping. I want too see if I can drive from NYC to the Florida keys in one shot non stop. I know I can do it I just don't have a car with that kind of range.
Your right I have heard of a similar story, I know an auto body guy who owns a couple exotics. He told me some cars are structurally sound, it's just lot of body work and maybe some component parts to get it looking sharp again.
"I want too pay for coverage I don't want free health care, I feel like I should pay my way because I can."
I am not speaking ill of it it's just that I don't feel like signing up for anything weather it be free or if I have too pay for it.
And I keep getting shit about not getting Obamacare or some other form of health coverage. For what so I can pay $600 a month so some cock sucking motherfucken subhuman piece of shit on the other end of the phone tells me I can't be covered for certain things fuck you. My $600 a month says I should have carte blanche…
Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground