I was only joking, trying to be funny I forgot to put my : D smiley face.
I was only joking, trying to be funny I forgot to put my : D smiley face.
So everybody put their faith in a 23 year old CEO, I wonder why things went south. The way I read this story, he sounds like a privileged kid with no chops.
Wait so the guy goes rummaging through his bag, can't the other guy just whip out his gun and blast him away he kinda looked distracted. Or was all his shit in the bag no knife nothing, fuck that I would go down fighting.
Go fuck yourself
Go fuck yourself
Go fuck yourself.
No not mad at all, I just hate people like you, and didn't I tell you to go fuck your mother already.
No not at all, you started with the asshole remark so yes I want your mom to get ovarian cancer and die a slow and painful death. And go fuck yourself pussy.
I know everybody is going to start saying speed this speed that, take it to the track these guys were well off to afford track time.
Avoid a squirrel, fuck that shit I terminate with extreme prejudice and pigeons, one is a rat with a fluffy tail the other is a rat with wings.
I have been ordering from the same Chinese restaurant for the last ten years. I live in apt L44 not ERL44 this has been going on for ten years. Should I correct him, or just let it be because it makes me smile once in a blue. Or should I ignore the Korean grocery store owner who says, here is your changie or cents…
I wish, I have been living in a big city (NYC) all my life and working on cars in the street is not a great idea. I can bring it to my mechanic, he can rent me a lift for $200 a day so it would cost me over $200 for an oil change. I wish I met him twenty years ago, maybe it would have gave me some incentive to work on…
chemist known as the co-inventor of the progestinnorethindrone used in one of the first three oral contraceptives.
In school I was taught, who, what when where, when I did a school report on news stories. I got no of this from this sorry, I had to click on a link.
In NYC we have three options, TWC, Comcast and Dish. Here is the dilemma. if you don't own a home in NYC you get what ever cable company your building signed up for. Dish is an impossibility for most NYC renters, because most buildings won't allow for satellite dishes to be placed on the roof or out of your window.
Not before I fuck your mom, then my bucket list will be complete she still likes it in the ass right.
I know I should use better words to explain things,
What about Stalin, I thought it's all about the body count and his is at 20 million plus. I guess if Stalin killed more Jews he would have been considered more evil, he only killed his own people so I guess they don't count.
I love this guy, I fucken despise people who do this I see it every time I drive people are so subhuman sometimes when it comes to driving.