
You'd know if you followed Doug on twitter...

I hope Rod is pleased with it.

"Wait, was it tracked? You're going to need to take $300,000 off for that."

In what universe is subtracting the price of planned mods a legitimate negotiating strategy?

Do you have a budget in mind so we can start figuring out our snarky posts about V10 Miatas and dilapidated Rolls Royces that barely fall within your budget?

Thank you for your advice wise sage. I have another rule that I have been working on.

I can tell from the snow coming off the back that these are not all the same pic... but essentially they all look the same to me.

I think they should have kept KERS in the name so it would be FXXKERS.

Takata airbag in action...

Give it a decade. BMW will be going fractional to back fill markets, as the 2 series has grown to 15' and 6000 pounds, and the 3 requires a CDL.

They tried, but the GM execs were unavailable.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ RIOT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Also, I know this has been brought up many times but it's worth repeating because the writers constantly mis-speak.

It's a joke dumb shit. Go play on the internet so you can learn all the internet jokes. Wait.. that's stupid. Anyways... it's a joke. When the guy wrecked his Bugatti in Texas somebody actually thought it was a Lambo, so it's stuck since then...

Did anyone else notice all the other performance cars just hanging around? A GTR goes by in the opening and it looks like there's at least an M5 behind the corvette and M3. Either this is some sort of fantasy land or there was a cars and coffee that prompted the corvette idiocy.

Step 1: Cut a hole in the box.

How much snow is 2.5%?
How do you convert % to inches?

Some also speculate that Ferrari wanted to show other buyers that "this is what happens when you don't get all the options."