You say tomate, I say pomodoro
You have not seen The Transporter 1, 2 and 3? Great car movies... Alright, off you go and don't come back till you've seen all three!
Ironically a guy that gets paid to be a bad ass and pretend to survive extraordinarily dangerous things, survived something super dangerous by being super bad ass.... Awesome.
I was escorted inside by a guard, handcuffed, booked, and had my mugshot taken.
You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
TANIGHT James talks to an old man. Richard wears a hat. and I eat crow
I've got two pence the next video he makes with it, he'll still go to the back and flex the rear bumper cover and say "how cheap it is."
" I mean, a Jaguar F-type V8 is almost £16,000 more, for heaven's sake. And I'm sorry but it's not as good." WTF? IS THIS THE REAL WORLD?
Also, grip, aerodynamics, downforce, suspension dynamics, power delivery/powerband and drivetrain.
Thanks for taking our questions. Will Cadillac build a convertible again anytime soon?
Right, he forgot rule #1 - When you're about to crash into something, look away from it and apply throttle. You'd be amazed how well it works.
This appears to come from some British Commonwealth territory, as they're driving on the wrong side of the street and the street signage is English. I's not clear exactly why the motorcyclist crossed the double-yellow and ended up the world's worst airplane, but he did. And, incredibly, wasn't injured at all.
Early entry, early apex, drift wide on decreasing radius, goodbye. Oh and the British Commonwealth territory is in fact the Cat and Fiddle Pass between Buxton and Macclesfield. Oft considered the most dangerous road in Britain, not only due to the number of decreasing radius turns and general complexity, but mostly…
Take cover, Benz is now forging Valerian steel.
You may want to check the oil - I see there's no puddle under your car, so it must be running low
You forgot the two most annoying questions. "Can I have it" and "Wanna trade" Closely followed by "I'll give you 100 bucks for it"
Yeah, as low as the FR-S sits, pretty much sidearm only for that trick - the only way a straight-over-the-top pitcher could pull that off was if he was about a foot-and-three-quarters tall.
I could enter the corner with my foot to the floor, not sure where I would exit though.
I've just started out learning to ride a motorbike purely because I fell for the Daytona 675. It'll probably be my starter bike after some time on a 125. I might die, but I'll die happy.