Meh I was really hoping it was going to be a high speed reinsertion of a half eaten burrito or something. A gum wrapper? Tame. But that aussie lane splitting gives me a #freedomboner. WHAT DO WE WANT? LANE SPLITTING! WHEN DO WE WANT IT!? AFTER A VOTE AND APPROPRIATE STUDY AND EDUCATION CAMPAIGNS!
Car and Driver has been measuring the 5-60 times of cars since the beginning of time, and since the beginning of time they have always been slower. Even before computerized launch control, every 0-60 time published has used manual launch control (power braking). I believe C&D is the magazine that is the worst at that.
Pretty much every car is slower doing 5-60 than it is from 0-60. This is because when accelerating from a stop, you can dump the clutch at high RPMs (or brake torque the car to high RPMs if it is an automatic). When you accelerate from 5-60, you have no choice but to accelerate from low RPMs because the car is already…
You can't call a guy driving a Lamborghini an "Asshat" just because he is driving a Lambo and you're not. The guy was doing nothing wrong. A car cut out in front of him, and essentially caused this accident. Seriously guys, you have to throw a little less stones in that glass house of yours.
The Lamborghini had the right of way. The Mazda didn't look and pulled out right in front of the Lamborghini giving the driver absolutely no time to stop. If the roles were reversed the internet would be up in arms about how the "idiot Lamborghini driver has a careless disregard for the right of way of the Mazda; he…
This is a an amazing and great looking car, however I am not sure how well it will fare against people who are cross-shopping the 918 Spyder against 39 V6 Mustangs.
No he doesn't. Don't be that douche bag.
Okay, that was a good one. Because that's what we're all thinking right now.
Rolls Royce's patented dual-clutch gearbox: Because planetary movements are for headliners.
A 2013-spec RB9 huh? Not just a regular F1 car then, that's an F1 car with TRACTION CONTROL.
WI. Though the car's probably been sold since that video was taken back in 2005-ish.
Did nobody watch the actual video? They are in the back seat. They don't control the car. The driver you see up front does. They are only seeing the video from the cameras on the car's nose. They are just along for the ride.
"I want to play a game. The device strapped to your head projects a realistic driving scenario. Or does it? You must arrive at the end of the dockyards before your wife is crushed by the shipping container dangling from the crane above her. Your car is filled with explosives, so if you try to escape, the game is over.…
Raphael, have you ever seen any interviews with any of these TT Riders? They're so chill and down to earth and normal people. They aren't pretentious and never full of themselves.
[smiley face]
Ferdinand Porsche is spinning in his grave, but not beyond 4500RPM.
1 word... Nope.