
Good for you?

The Triple crown has always been a stupid "accomplishment." Leading in home runs and RBI is so strongly correlated that calling it a TRIPLE crown is one of the dumbest things one can possibly do. OF COURSE the guy with the most homeruns is going to be at or next to the RBI leadership. That's why RBI is so stupid: it

It wasn't Tafoya on the sidelines last week, but during the Michigan State/Ohio State game, William Gholsten CLEARLY suffered a concussion. He took a helmet-to-helmet shot from his teammate and laid motionless on the ground for 30 seconds. When he left the field, he was blinking repeatedly and seemed confused about

You don't have a "first amendment right" to provide harmful medical treatment.

Are you even vaguely familiar with Jim Mora Jr? After every job he's ever left (been fired from), there's always a TORRENT of articles by team employees basically exhaling over not having to walk on eggshells around a total asshole any more. Lane Kiffin's rep is that he's never as competent as the people who employ

I have a feeling Seattle is going to be used as boogeyman to scare local cities into paying for new basketball arenas the way the NFL has used LA and the way MLB used Washington DC for years. "Oh, see this huge market, I'm sure THEY'D love to have a team. Are you sure you don't want to fork over the tax dollars?"

If you don't have audibles built into your offense for when a defense shows "11 in the box" you have a shit offensive coordinator.

The only real problem I had was that this episode contained the THIRD suicide by a sympathetic character this season. Oswin let the shields down allowing herself to be blown up by the other Daleks, Adrian Scarborough blew himself up and then the Ponds jumped off a building. I mean, when you add in the Doctor just

We can only hope this spurs other states to crack down on other forms of quackery.

Didn't Brown win the seat in the first place almost entirely because of democratic voter apathy? I just remember so many dems assuming there was no way they could lose Ted's seat. You have to figure they'll be out in better numbers given what happened in the special election.

Well the difference is that we're not talking about covering up child rape. That's a pretty big difference that makes any comparison invalid.

Ron Morris is a newspaper troll, from a long line of shitty writers who think "being provocative" = "just shitting on the local team." Comparing South Carolina to Penn State given what happened there is like, bad Bleacher Report level shit.

I know the article mentions that the risk is much higher for fellatio than cunnilingus, but can we briefly mention how fuckin worthless dental dams are as tool for safe sex? Seriously, I worked at a health clinic and we were always told to push condoms and dental dams to stress safe sex to the people who came in, and

The NFL made the calculation that refs don't matter, and that they could be replaced. The referees refused to take less money, whatever you think of the job they do and whether PART TIME EMPLOYEES should be compensated to that degree, because they figured their labor was more valuable.

NOTHING the NFL could ever do would make the ratings immediately go down, short of I dunno, murdering a live virgin at half time. That's just not the way popular entertainment goes. You don't go from an institution in people's lives to suddenly not this quickly.

You don't just wake up one day and see the a major part of people's lives is suddenly gone. This idea that "oh well, it's not that big a deal, people are still watching" canard I hear some people saying flies in the face of basic logic. It takes a really long time to alter people's set habits. Really, by the time

You do not see Bud Selig and David Stern getting ordered around into patently self-destructive shit like this. For all the talk that Bud Selig gets for looking like a used car salesman in a cheap suit, he's largely bent the MLB owners to his will and gotten what he's wanted: more teams in the playoffs, revenue sharing

Selig should be way lower. And NASCAR's head guy Brian France should probably be number 2. NASCAR gets less mainstream pub from Northeastern media types, but ever since Brian Boy Wonder took over the sport from his father Bill, he's run the damn thing into the toilet. His cockamamie "Playoff" idea has resulted in the

Eh, I sorta agree with the idea that people (MEN AND WOMEN) who were pretty or handsome as kids usually aren't funny. You sorta have to have been picked on as a kid or had to use your wit to ingratiate yourself with people socially to be funny as an adult. Also, how many of the popular cool kids did high school

To add another Southern NHL success, the Carolina Hurricanes have enjoyed consistent drawing success since they moved from Hartford. There's a couple of reasons for that: 1. Minor league hockey has always had a popularity in NC 2. the Raleigh-Durham area has a lot of transplants from outside the state, especially from