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I'm largely resistant to commercials, but the Cadbury Bunny audition commercial sends me to store for a gross chocolate egg every time. I don't even like them very much, but they air the same/ very similar commercials to the ones they aired when i was kid when I thought Cadbury eggs were the cats pajamas.

This gloves thing is such BS. People put on the gloves, touch something filthy, continue using the gloves. It is actually grosser than bare hands.

Holy shit y'all. It's "has GONE after," not "has went after...." Please edit this! Pretty pretty pretty please!!!!


At first I was like:

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This reminds me of this amazing better off Ted episode:

HOW DID YOU ALL FORGET THIS SPECTACULAR MAN. Although I would happily settle for Dmitri, I have a thing for the sarcastic funny guy.

Is this from the latest Derelicte line?

There's a lot of inherent naïvety in this response, most of all punctuated by the misguided libertarian/conservative mindset that anybody can make it just as long as they pull themselves up their bootstraps and really strive to be exceptional- and really let down by the refusal to acknowledge that people are treated

Christianity is upfront about its beliefs; it doesn't wait for you to clean out your bank account to tell you its secrets.

Seriously, dude? He had a comedy career before Full House, and he's been successful since. Check out some of his work.

Wait really? She's an incredibly gorgeous woman, and I love her as a person, but at least 3/5 episodes of SYTYD feature some kind of clothing monstrosity.

Wow. A misstep from Cat Deeley is SO rare.

Do you think the white guy wanted to raise his fist too? I'm the type of dumb ass that would have done it too not even knowing what was going on.