
No. Asking people for money is always tacky.


"The pH of the water... it's more 'P' than 'H'!"

I don't think the point is to say "I know what it is like to be Trayvon Martin and racially profiled" but rather "I am concerned about Trayvon Martin and those like him who are racially profiled."

Salt and Vin*gger chips had me on the floor weak.

I think my dad has the perfect answer to the Paula Deen disaster:

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?? If you can't afford your lavish, $200/plate wedding without expecting your guests to pay for it, then don't fucking have a lavish, $200/plate wedding, you spoiled, entitled, pathetic brats.

I've heard parents do a good combination of the two: "It's time to make a choice. Do you want to eat the tuna casserole for dinner, or do you want to be hungry for the rest of the night? It's up to you." "You can play nicely with your sister, or you can go into time out. Your choice."

Well, I tend to think it's always the parents, unless the kid has a mental disability.

HA. She should have gotten one cupcake for herself and made them watch while she ate it.

I was at the cupcake store the other day and witnessed a super-human level of mom control. A mother was picking out a set of cupcakes with her two young daughters, and as they were about to pay at the counter, one of the girls promptly began temper-tantruming all over the place because she didn't get the cupcake she

Right?! How is it possible to be so ignorant that you revel in it, all while calling yourself a progressive? One of these things is not like the other.

Everyone referring to Paula Deen as an old white woman from the south who just didn't know better is disturbing. She is sixty six not ninety six and was a young adult during the peak of the Civil Rights movement. She knows exactly how racist her comments are. I am a few years younger than Paula Deen, originally from


But a wedding gift isn't's a nice thing you can do for someone. Okay, so people expect them, but there is nothing in the "wedding rules" that say "you must bring gift of value >or= to [insert amount here]. Quite like how a birthday gift isn't mandatory.

Weddings are to make money for your future

"Sometimes she mocks my velociraptor impression and it makes me really sad because I'm a good velociraptor."

HAHAHA did you read the comments?

I love using family names. We pass down the middle names of Aunts in our family. So when I have a daughter she gets my sister's middle name of Elaine, and her daughter will have my middle name, Kay.

I wonder about this with traditional Saudi guys wearing the thobe. How are they always so immaculate? It's like here, take a big old bite of this sloppy Carl's Jr. burger.